5 Ways To Open Up Your Third Eye

In the majority of my blog posts, and in my private practice, I always emphasize heart-centered healing. So, why the article on opening up the third eye? Because the ultimate healing takes place when you combine the love from the Heart Chakra with the wisdom of the Third Eye Chakra! Also, because, with the wildness of the energies as of late, I’ve noticed that many people have been neglecting their inner wisdom (to the point of even trying to shut it down), have found it elusive, or have been having a frustrating time trying to get in touch with it.

The Third Eye is your inner wisdom, also known as your intuition, which allows us to see the unseen past the physical world. This chakra connects us to the part of creation which is beyond science and physical manifestation.

This is especially useful to us, since many of us get way too caught up in what we physically see as reality. The truth is, our reality is often unseen. And, only by tapping into our inner wisdom, do we allow ourselves to be in touch with this greater cosmic connection. When you are in line with your Third Eye, you are able to discern reality from illusion, and you are most in touch with your psychic abilities, astral projection, Spirit connections, visions, and premonitions. Those who often reject the spiritual aspect of themselves are often afraid of their intuition.

Q. When do you know that your third eye is calling your attention?

A. You get a slight pressure on the area at the point between your brows. It’ll feel like there’s a thumb lightly pressing on it.

When this happens, this is a tell-tale sign that your intuition has something to say. Maybe you’ve been stewing over something for so long, that you’ve forgotten to consult the wisest being on the subject, yourself! Perhaps you’ve gotten into a juicy state of your meditation practice, and you can feel your third eye opening. Whichever way your Third Eye decides to speak and/or open up to you, it’s a clear indication to take notice, and delve deeper to find out what it’s got to say.

Some people may not understand why their Third Eye area may feel that pressure, or they fear what that may mean, so they shut it down. As in ignore it, or pretend it doesn’t exist. Often, these people have powerful Third Eye wisdom, and somewhere deep within them, they know this; but, fear that it would make them “freakish” or change their life forever, if they were to own it. True, it may likely change their lives forever – for the better!

And, let’s break that “freak” stereotype right now. The adage, “Isn’t that just woo woo?” has become old hat, in my book!

It is not out there to be in touch with your gifts, it is out there not to be.

The truth is, when you are totally accessing all of your power, power we were all born with, you are totally tapping into your birthright.

And, don’t think that you need to be a meditative guru or new age hotshot in order to access your inner wisdom with aplomb. All you need to access your intuition is the desire to connect with it.

Some may resist what their Third Eye has to say, out of fear that what information they may receive may be too much to handle. In fact, when your inner wisdom is ready to speak, you are receiving Universal confirmation that it’s time for you to connect. And, it may be a bit presumptuous to assume that you know what’s better for you, over what The Powers That Be are revealing to you!

When your Third Eye is ready to speak, you are already being supported by the Universe. This is your time to find out what your wisdom is trying to tell you. You are being supported by your Spirit Guides and your Team of Light. Call them to you for guidance and protection, as you explore this.

And, ignoring your Third Eye can be detrimental. If your wisdom tries to speak to you, and you continually ignore it, it can create mental problems later on down the road. So, suffice to say, it would be in your best interest to pay attention to what your body is trying to lovingly tell you!

Here are 5 ways to open up your Third Eye Chakra:

  1. Create intention to connect with your Third Eye. This can be through your thoughts, or verbally saying something to the effect of, “I wish to connect with my Third Eye”, or “I set the intention that I am connecting with my Third Eye”. When you do so, envision an indigo sphere of light rotating and pulsing in the area between your eyebrows. Be gentle when trying this out at first, otherwise you may get a headache! If you do get one, it means you’re either pushing too hard, too long, or are tired, and it’s time to take a break and revisit the practice later. That’s a lot of stimulation for an area that may have been previously unexplored. A few minutes is all you need, at first, and then you can build up to a longer practice. Because it is a practice! So, instead of looking to open your Third Eye overnight (which is possible, but not typical), it’s better to cultivate a practice for it to unfold in its own perfect timing.
  2. Regularly affirm your connection with your Third Eye with statements such as, “I trust the wisdom of my intuition”, “I embrace my inner wisdom”, or, “I am one with my inner wisdom”. Use whatever phrasing resonates most for you, and feel the conviction when affirming your connection to your Third Eye. This is best done for only a few minutes at first. Later, you can incorporate it into your daily practice of whatever keeps you mindful, whether it be meditation, physical activity, etc.
  3. Meditate with crystals and stones such as lapis lazuli, sodalite, indigo sapphire, amethyst, apophyllite, or opal. Anyone who knows me, knows I love crystals! I wear them daily, and have them all over my apartment, and even by my bedside. You can even make crystal tinctures to ingest their properties! When you work with crystals, make sure you cleanse them first by running sage smoke underneath it, with the intention of clearing the crystal for your desired intention (in this case, to enhance your Third Eye energy). You can place it over your Third Eye during meditation, as well. When you’ve done a lot of work with the crystal, and you can see the color get slightly darker or “dirtier”, make sure to cleanse it once more. You may also meditate with it in your left hand, since the left side is your receiving side.
  4. Allow your consciousness to drop into your body. When we’re blocked from our Third Eye Chakra, we become overly analytical, and overthinking takes precedence. However, nothing can compare to the direct knowing we receive from our Third Eye. There’s nothing like it. So, when you feel yourself getting too heady, bring your consciousness into your body, and reconnect from the Heart. Once you’re in touch with your Center, you’ll be able to more accurately be in touch with your inner wisdom once more.
  5. Ditch the fluoride. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, a pea-sized pinecone-shaped endocrine gland in the brain that secretes melatonin when we sleep at night. The pineal gland is also our mind’s Third Eye. Switching to a non-fluoride toothpaste would be best; but if you choose to use a fluoride toothpaste, make sure to not ingest it. Our water has been treated with fluoride, as well. Why? Conspiracy theorists say it’s because the government is well aware of the fact that fluoride deadens the pineal gland, and would thus keep us as sedated as possible. Whatever the case may be, fluoride is commonly found in our water, and if we want healthy pineal glands, we need a water filtration system that filters fluoride from our water supply. There are a few water purification and filtration systems that accomplish this. Another option is to drink spring water. Foods that decalcify the pineal gland include: organic blue ice skate fish oil (with includes “Activator X” discovered by Weston Price), MSM, raw chocolate, garlic, raw apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, neem extract, and tamarind.

Do you have a favorite way to connect with your Third Eye?
What techniques have worked best for you?
Please share in the comments, below.

Honoring your inner wisdom,



At Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts…

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Copyright © 2014 by Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.


  1. aleya
    August 4, 2014

    beautiful website and blog! aleya

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      August 4, 2014

      Thank you, Aleya! I’m glad you found me on my new version of my blog, since I think the transfer changed a few things for those who were following me on my previous one.


      • Aparna
        November 9, 2016


        I have been trying various ways most of them you listed online to open my third eye.
        However i feel it and all for more than a year and same tingling, burning, meditating etc.. but it does not open completely.. Practically living with the symptons for ever.
        I was wondering if you can do reiki or energy to actually open it. I did meditation for years now and its getting frustrating as i tried everything possible.


        • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
          November 15, 2016

          Hi Aparna,

          Opening into our gifts is a journey, not a destination! And, everyone has their own special time frame. It is not something that can be rushed, and cultivating patience and self-compassion as you move through it is helpful. Continue with the suggestions, above, as well as receiving Reiki and other energy work to rebalance yourself. Getting angry and frustrated with yourself will not help it come any faster, and may, in fact, block yourself from allowing it to blossom. Also, opening your Third Eye can happen in stages.

          Good luck!

  2. aleya
    August 4, 2014

    i also didn’t know about the link between fluoride and the pineal gland. thank you for sharing this important info.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      August 4, 2014

      Hi Aleya,

      I know, I only learned of this connection recently, myself! I hope you find it helpful.

      Best to you,

  3. Alexis
    October 27, 2014

    Generally I have a lot of prophetic dreams and spiritual encounters so I’ve always been under the assumption that my 3rd eye chakra was more active then most peoples, but I got a reiki session done for the first time the other day. I didn’t feel much of anything anywhere else besides my eyes- the sensation was so intense slightly painful I continued to feel energy waving around my forehead for a while and later that day i had a bad headache just right in the center over my eyes and every time I closed my eyes I would see a ring of white light which stopped when the headache subsided, any advice?

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      October 27, 2014

      Hi Alexis,

      Sounds like your Third Eye Chakra is already quite active, and that the Reiki session opened it further. During Reiki, Universal Energy is channeled for your highest good, and whatever you receive is what your body needs. But, since it seems overwhelming for you, you might want to take periodic breaks from things that may continue expanding your Third Eye, and also take it slowly. My recent post, “How To Develop Your Intuitive Gifts Without Being Overwhelmed By Them: Part II – The Exploration” may be helpful, to start.

      Good luck!

      • Alexis
        October 28, 2014

        Interesting, thank you for the insight I’ll look into that post 🙂

        • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
          October 28, 2014

          You’re welcome! May you experience much ease in exploring your gifts.

      • emanuel
        October 28, 2015

        ive been tryne for a year on and off, ive just decided im goin stick to it, my problem is when i get to that real heavy vibration in the center of my forehead and i feel like im at the final stage were its bout to open i snap out of it becouse i get scared but i realy want to open my 3rd eye i just got to stop cutting off my connection

        • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
          October 29, 2015

          Hi Emanuel,

          Yes, keep sticking to it! Eventually, you will stop yourself from preventing your expansion. The initial fear is normal, even if it may be a bit frustrating! Practice gentleness with your blossoming gifts, they will open to you in perfect timing.


  4. Carolyn
    January 5, 2015

    I have had this exact thing happen for weeks now. It’s a pressure like a finger pressing lightly where my third eye is. It has been making me a little nervous. Thank you so much for the insight and exercises. I will definitely try to connect with my third eye now.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      January 5, 2015

      Thanks for reading, Carolyn! And, congratulations on opening up to your Inner Wisdom. Believe me, it will come in handy! Take it slowly, since it’s already awakening. It may be new to you in this lifetime, but you’re ready to own it.

      Good luck!

  5. Lee
    March 9, 2015

    I am new to the study of the pineal gland and the topic of the third eye. I have been practicing acupressure techniques as well as meditation with the aid of brainwave entertainment, focusing on the third eye area just above and between the brows. Last Wednesday for the first time I successfully achieved what I would describe as the indigo sphere with an “energy” around it. I focused my attention on it with amazement and the experience stopped. I have yet to experience this again and I was wondering was what happened something that will happen again or was that it, was that the third eye opening? I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the positive vibes.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      March 10, 2015

      Hi Lee,

      Congratulations on reconnecting with your Third Eye! You’ve been doing all the right things to nurture that connection. I think what you’d experienced was the beginning of a connection and the start of the opening of your Third Eye. Continue with your your practice, and the indigo sphere visualization will be much easier to recreate, and to keep focused on, for longer periods of time. This is just the beginning.

      Thanks for reading, and, enjoy!

  6. Bhaskar
    May 28, 2015

    Hi everyone! Ive been practicing 3rd eye meditation for almost a year; now, I can clearly see a purple blob of light after focusing for a few minutes. But I want to go beyond… I just don’t know how.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      May 28, 2015

      Hi Bhaskar,

      That’s great that you’ve been practicing and are achieving connection with your Third Eye! Have you checked out the other tips, above, to expand past what you’re experiencing? You may want to get clear on what you’d like to achieve next in your opening of your Third Eye, and ask your Spirit Guides for assistance in achieving it. You will open up optimally in your own perfect timing. Thanks for reading!


      • Bhaskar
        May 29, 2015

        Hi Margarita!

        I really appreciate your reply.

        I just wanna have clear guidance to take the right decisions in life. I mean, sure peeking at the past and future, or other worlds would be great, but at the end of the day, does that really matter? Indeed I’m a dreamer, one who loves the mysteries of the universe, but the harsh realities of life have taught me to be practical and get as much good karma in my account as I can.

        • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
          May 29, 2015

          Hi Bhaskar,

          The beauty and power of the Third Eye is that it not only can help you gain insight into your past and future, but it can help you “see” your guidance about the present more clearly, even in everyday life, among many other things. Practicality and building good karma is a good thing, but don’t forget to enjoy life and be in your flow. The mysteries of the universe is thoroughly intertwined with our daily lives, so it is smart to have a good balance of both.


  7. Elvertice
    June 24, 2015

    hmm, I been getting this weird sensation on my third eye area as well. but it isn’t pressure, i’m not sure how to explain the sensation. hmmm picture air blowing from your third eye, is the best way for now that I can explain it. wish I could explain more. ok I think I got it. its like a portal opening in the middle of your forehead, and the portal has a slight sucking feel to it.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      June 24, 2015

      Hi Elvertice,

      Sounds like Third Eye action to me! Thanks for reading.


  8. Saed
    July 1, 2015

    I’ve been trying to open my 3rd eye for like 4 months now i take fermented skate liver oil since then
    Apple cider vinegar + honey + lemon + turmeric everyday once or twice for the past 2 weeks i suck at meditation i cant visualize anything it takes me about 45 mins to start seeing indigo and green when i meditate then they just gone
    N ive been a level 1 reiki for about a month now yet i cant even feel anything

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      July 2, 2015

      Hi Saed,

      Thanks for your comment. I can understand the frustration at wanting to be more immediately connected with your Third Eye on a regular basis. However, as you’ve already experienced, this journey takes patience and time.

      Good luck!

    • Bob
      October 8, 2015

      When I first started I reached a similar wall of frustration and lack of progress until I shifted tactics. I recognize your frustration with lack of visualizations because I had a similar approach but only saw vague colors or maybe short flashes of visual. One day in meditation I had an ‘ah-hah’ and switched… rather than ‘seeing’ or imagining with sight I tried ‘remembering’. You can try to picture a room or object and sort of see an image of it, but if you remember that room or object there is a much clearer image that comes from a different part of the mind and for me I discovered this was the same area where the deep intuitions and visuals from the pineal are coming through. By switching gears and ‘listening’ to the memory-like images I realized the focus I was putting in the optical was creating noise or pressure that was actually preventing true intuition to flow from the Pineal.
      Keep in mind this is a life practice and there will be an infinite universe with obstacles to learn, but with each success comes incredible reward.
      Also, in regards to this article I have personally had great results from tamarind. I found a study about kids with flouride and taking 10g of t-paste a day showed flouride output in urine. I have made homemade paste with just water and the pods(1lb bag) and about 1tbls baking soda and I find it’s a bit tart and fruity but goes well in granola and oatmeal. In one month of daily consumption I went from 1/dream month to nightly dreaming and has really kicked off third eye visuals.

      • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
        October 9, 2015

        Thanks for your comment, Bob!

        That’s great when others can contribute to the conversation, and share their experiences that have helped them get more in touch with their gifts. You’ve made some good points! That’s an interesting mixture you’ve created. I’d like to note that, while ingesting certain amounts of baking soda can help specific ailments, 1 tablespoon daily seems like a lot. Dosing tends to be 1 teaspoon or less, due to the fact that baking soda is very high in sodium. So, if you have a sodium-restricted diet, or high blood pressure, I would avoid taking this in significant amounts. When too much baking soda is consumed, it can cause serious electrolyte and acid/base imbalances. It’s also recommended to be dissolved in water, to avoid stomach upsets.

        Much continued success in your healing journey, and connection to your Third Eye!


        • Bob
          October 10, 2015

          Thank you for your feedback and good warning regarding good health and sodium levels.
          I just wanted to add that for 1pound bag of tamarind pods and 1tablespoon of baking soda is going to supply enough paste for about 7 days at 10g/day so the daily intake of baking soda would be 1/7th a tablespoon per day.
          I had read that the baking soda is recommended for tamarind cleanse as it reduces the acidity which is good for people following the same diet for reducing fluoride joint damage. I’ve read that a less acidic ph in the body is better for joint repair. I do have a question though… I tried the raw apple cider one time and couldn’t really tolerate the ‘beverage.’ Any recommendations for making raw apple cider more palatable and still be effective?

          • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
            October 13, 2015

            Hi Bob,

            For apple cider vinegar tonics, it’s best to take a short glass of warm water, add 2 TBS ACV + 1 TB raw honey to sweeten.


        • Kalyani
          October 18, 2016

          You can use neem twig fr ur teeth as baking soda on daily basis is not safe. Neem would make teeth stronger n healthier. Just detox ur body daily vd either lemon n honey or any other juices dts it.

  9. Mihaela Durrich
    November 29, 2015

    What a wonderful article, Margarita! I have been reading your articles for quite a few time now and I really love the way you write.

    Opening your third eye is truly a magnificent opportunity to see into the spiritual realm and being in tune with the Universe and yourself. It’s a chance to resolve your inner blocks so that you can live more in the present moment and be happier!

    I remember 4 months ago when I wanted to awaken my third eye, I stumbled upon an interesting post that showed me a new information – http://www.innerouterpeace.com/how-to-open-your-third-eye/.

    In the end, I think it’s all a matter of being able to navigate your consciousness in everything you want to achieve and not let it go down in the lower levels of our nature.

    If you achieve that you can have whatever you want!

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      November 29, 2015

      Hi Mihaela,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the article! I totally agree – you can achieve whatever you want once you’re able to navigate within in high vibrational ways. May your journey be full of light!


  10. ruhi
    May 4, 2016

    Great article. Can I cook the tamarind paste with garlic and eat? Will it have the same effect? Can I add lemon and honey to my green tea in the morning? Will that help. Will eating mushroom help? I have felt these sensations on my third eye like pressing of thumb(often) , feel as if something is sucking from inside (this is also felt at the top of the nose ie the area below the brow and begning of the nose) , feel heart beat like thing or you can say as if something is tapping from inside my 3rd eye area & the most weird is sometimes I feel as if something is continuously entering from top of my head and coming out from the 3rd eye area. I have worked very less on my 3rd eye. Also I have seem some dreams like greenish-yellow Python snake standing towards sky & I am standing. A green snake biting me. I see myself vomiting blood.
    I have a doubt I have stopped eating non vegiterian food for last 8 months. But my Doctor has prescribed me a tablet which has some ingredients from animal ; it has omega 3 & 6 fatty acids & Astaxanthin. Will eating this tablet close the process of 3rd eye? Please advise.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      May 6, 2016

      Hi Ruhi,

      Because I don’t know your medical history, details on your supplements, and you are not my patient, I’m unable to advise on the supplements you’re taking. However, I do notice that you are definitely getting some Third Eye activation happening, and that the Crown Chakra at the top of your head is flowing with your Third Eye. Sounds like you’re doing well! I’d be less concerned with the particulars of how you’re ingesting tamarind, since it can be taken by itself or as part of any preparation.

      Good luck,

  11. ruhi
    May 18, 2016

    Thanks for your reply. The medication is for pigmentation. Is there any acupressure point that could help activation of pineal gland? Does eating non- vegiterian food affect the chakras?
    Can a reiki master help in activating the chakras? It is very difficult to identify a true reiki master. We find so many people whose treatment does not work. Can you help me find a genuine reiki master like you. How do I decide the master is genuine? Please guide me.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      May 19, 2016

      Hi Ruhi,

      You could gently tap on acupressure point, Yin Tang, which is located between the brows, if you’d like to stimulate your Third Eye. As for diet for the chakras, the main thing to be concerned about is eating cleanly, and avoiding inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy, for starters. To find a Reiki practitioner in your area, check out tips in my blog post, “What To Look For In An Acupuncturist Or Reiki Practitioner”.

      Good luck!

  12. ruhi
    May 21, 2016

    Thank you for your kind advice.

  13. mehedee rashid
    November 16, 2016

    hiii Margarita Alcantara,
    i need to explain whats happened after following your instruction..2nd day i was feeling bit different when i was following ur instruction..at first i thought it might b due to the obsession of my mind..then i had terrible headache..but there could b another reason as i was travelling by bus at night..it was almost 7 hrs journey..but the most strange thing was happened next day..i had a physical intercourse with a girl (neither she was call girl nor my girl friend) just before started intercourse some sort of negative feeling was working in my mind…something like dont do that..dont do that ..it is sin…dont do that cause u dont have right to have a sex with ur frriend ..she is not ur g/f nor a wife…from the next day till now i was trying hard to concentrate to follow ur instruction but somehow nothing was working ..i mean i lost my concentration after 30 sec or a minute..whenever i start i lost my attention..no way i can concerntrate anymore…is there any explanation…?

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      November 18, 2016

      Hi Mehedee,

      As mentioned in the article, if you’re getting a headache, it’s time to take a break and revisit it later. And, as mentioned in comments, above, this is a practice that needs to be cultivated. Also, your Third Eye gets stronger when you act upon what it tells you, rather than ignoring it.

      Good luck!

  14. Tareah D
    November 27, 2016

    Hello. A couple of days ago, I had a spiritual experience. It has been quite frightening, so I began researching. I found this :). A couple of days ago, out of the blue, my mind completely cleared itself…of everything. It was like being in a blank state. This lasted for about 20 seconds and stopped. About a minute or two after, I began to feel pressure in my forehead. Over a course of 5 minutes that pressure turned into pain. I’ve been having on and off headaches since then. Keep in mind, I had never experienced anything spiritual like this in my life. Is it possible that I absorbed too much energy from someone or something? How can this happen without me even knowing anything about it?

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      December 5, 2016

      Hi Tareah,

      It’s unclear if you’re experiencing this as a result of working on your Third Eye. I don’t think it’s so much something that’s occurred from absorbing too much energy from someone or something, but it does sound like your Third Eye is starting to awaken. I would recommend starting with the techniques, above. If you’re getting headaches easily and strongly as a result, ground yourself in your Root Chakra to balance out your active Third Eye. Check out my article, “Why Fear Of Survival Can Be Hazardous To Your Health (The Root Chakra)”, using the Search engine on the right.

      Good luck!

  15. Mukesh
    December 7, 2016

    Hi Margarita,


    I have gone through your elaboration and really impressed with deep understanding and clarity you have given on for people like me who is on this path of enlightenment.
    Details about frustration, i know how far it could be and to fight to yourself about not to frustrate is really challenging. As we meditate we bring energy towards up ..to ultimate Crown and frustration n anger put your energy down towards lust.
    I have been doing meditation from quite a while , i would say 10 yrs, ..but started doing with dedication and focusing on third eye with awareness, sometime end of October when suddenly within 10 days one day it started throbbing and pulsing since then, whenever i put my awareness or not. I have started seeing dark blue, indigo, and purple spiral sphere , while in meditation i feel sensations, tingling as if some one is rotating fingers on my crown and back of head,on and off vivid dreams , those dreams are so vivid that i could see myself lived them but full of lust and as i am controlling this lust urge my subconscious mind wake me always before it goes to extreme.
    My purpose to write to you us to seek guidance on this awakening.
    Please help me, what should i focused on , based on your experience how far i have reached to get my complete awareness, i have also seen two ecentric rings with bright light when i do shambhavi mudra.
    I am detoxing ny body as well.

    Please guide me.


    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      December 27, 2016

      Hi Mukesh,

      Great job on your regular meditation practices! It is clear that you are connecting with your Third Eye. It appears that there is some overactivity going on in your Sacral Plexus Chakra, that is coming up as a result of connecting with your Third Eye. Make sure that you ground yourself in your Root Chakra, since when we focus too much on the upper (spiritual) chakras, we forget to cultivate our lower (physical) ones. Also check out my blog post on the Sacral Plexus Chakra, using the Search tool in the right side of this page. Also receiving a good Reiki session will be helpful in balancing what’s coming up for you, and give you guidance for next steps.

      Good luck!

  16. Anna Cesnjevar
    August 23, 2017

    The realm of the invisible. To be able to listen to the messages and information that comes through your third eye, you should be ready to perceive the whisper of its wisdom. If your mind is busy or noisy, you might miss its main message.The third eye is the main seat of higher levels of perception and intuition. One way to look at it can be fake it until you make it.


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