The Top 10 Ways to Be in Your Starseed Power
Starseeds know that being in their Power is an important part of being on mission. But, what does Starseed Power actually mean, and what does it look like? Starseeds – those who originate from other star systems and have incarnated on this planet to help awaken humanity and raise the consciousness of Gaia – have been around for […]
The Top 5 Starseed Myths: Which Lie Are You Believing?
Starseeds are believing a lie. Or, should I say, many lies! In reality, they’re not based on fact. But, on fears that are a result of eons of programming. Forces of Light have encoded humanity. But, negative forces have inserted programming into us as well – to keep us asleep, afraid of our power, afraid […]
Are You A Starseed? Take the Starseed Quiz
You found this blog because there is a part of you that is waiting to emerge, to serve your big purpose in the world. You have a feeling that you may be a Starseed – someone who has roots in another Star System and has incarnated on this planet in this lifetime to help humanity […]
Top 5 Ways To Activate Your Starseed Power
The reason that you’re reading this blog post is because you’re at a tipping point at this time in your life where you have awakened into the greater expanse of your being as a Starseed, know that your origins are from a different Star System, and have intentionally incarnated on this planet, at this particular […]
Are You a Starseed?
Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered if there is life beyond planet Earth? Many of us have. That is why movies and television shows, such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Stargate SG-1 have been big hits, and why agencies like NASA are dedicated to space exploration (although, whether […]
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