"Meditation" by Alice Popkorn, used with permission under CC BY 2.0. Source.

How To Communicate With Your Spirit Guides

Happy Summer! Since Summer in Chinese Medicine is about the element of Fire, and Heart (which his all about connecting with ourselves and others in healthy ways of expression) is one of the main Fire element organs, we continue from our last blog post about speaking our truth to another form of communication – with our Spirit Guides.

We are always surrounded by beings of light who guide us. Some call them Spirit Guides, others may call them Angels or Ancestors. Sometimes Spirit Guides can be Ancestors (such as grandmothers or great-grandmothers watching over grandchildren/great-grandchildren, in certain cases).

For some of us, this may be obvious. But, for others, like myself, who was hard to get through to in my younger years, we may initially think that we are totally alone in this world, to fend for ourselves against the whims of a tyrannical Universe. Why do I say that with such conviction? Because, I truly believed that at one point in my life to be true!

But, just as much as I believed, at one point, that I was totally and utterly alone, there is no going back from what I now know to be true: that we are never alone.

Before you freak out and think how creepy that might be to never be alone, keep in mind that your Spirit Guides have better things to do than hang out and watch you do mundane, or extremely private, things, like brushing your teeth or going to the bathroom! What I mean here by never being alone is that, even though you may not physically see others around you, hence, the conclusion that you are all by yourself, you always have your “Team of Light” (TOL) ready to help you co-create your life, whenever you desire.

I tell you, once you realize you have beings of Light who only think the best for you, are on your side, patiently waiting to be of service, and are your personal cheerleaders, even when you feel like you can’t fathom any more pain, the way you deal with sadness from then on will never be the same. Because, oftentimes sadness can take a life of its own, simply due to the fact that we feel we are powerless against it, or that we can’t deal with it by ourselves. And the reality is, we never do.

If we take note of the guidance we receive, it’s like getting 24/7 therapy!

Who are my Spirit Guides?

Every single one of us has at least a few Spirit Guides. We all have more than one. If we’re able to access that still place within ourselves, through focusing on our breath, meditation, prayer, or anything where we can access our inner stillness, we can make the inquiry on who they are. You can set the intention that you want to get in touch with your Spirit Guides, to know their names, and to connect with them. And then stay open to what information you receive. At first, as you practice, it may feel a bit awkward, and you may not receive any information at first, but you just need to repeat this process until you become more at ease with it and are ready to receive feedback.

Their information is always available to you, and although you can access this personally on your downtime, you can also get assistance in identifying your Spirit Guides by seeing a healer, shaman, intuitive, or through an Akashic Records reading (the Akashic Records pertain to the vast universal database of your information as a being, containing information on present and past lives, etc.)

Personally, I’ve discovered that many of my Spirit Guides are ancestors of mine from generations past. It is particularly interesting being multiracial and having access to ancestral Spirit Guides of many lineages and cultures! It has been humbling to say the least.

Also keep in mind that Spirit Guides may not only come in human form, but in the form of a spirit animal, as well.

How do I get in contact with them?

Our Spirit Guides are always around us, guiding us, but we need to “activate” this connection into a more intentional one by asking them to participate or to give us guidance on a particular question or situation. When we do this, we directly engage ourselves with their energy, and can more easily assess what kind of guidance we’re receiving.

You do this by simply asking them for their help and/or protection. You can ask for their help for small things, or more profound ones. You can ask them to help guide you to towards next steps when you’re trying to figure out what to do next about your career, with a difficult person or relative, with financial matters, or in times of emotional distress. You can also ask them for help for smaller things like helping you find a parking space. Yes, really! When I was first learning about how to connect with my spirit guides, literature I’d read suggested I could ask them for help with parking. I remember thinking how ridiculous that sounded, and that it sounded like a waste of time to ask my Spirit Guides for such a mundane request. But, as I started getting acclimated to what you could ask your spirit guides help for, I soon realized that your spirit guides are there to help with the big things, as well as the small things. Since I live in New York City, and don’t need a car to get around, I’ve never tested the parking space request. But, I have asked my Spirit Guides to help me find a cab when I’m in a pinch! (Successfully, I might add, even during rush hour.)

But, more often than not, I ask their assistance when trying to make important decisions, to help me weigh options, or to choose what’s best for my highest good.

Before you ask your question, make sure that you first tap into that inner space where you are calm, and not operating from a place of fear. Even if you are experiencing fear in that moment, you can always access that inner sanctum, even if momentarily. It is in this space that you can best assess your feedback, which is why this is also an ideal space to seek guidance from.

You can ask open-ended questions, or yes/no questions. Good ways to phrase your questions/requests would be:

  • “Should I proceed with this business deal?”
  • “Is this option the right choice for me?”
  • “I’m in such pain. What should I do?”
  • “Please show me how to best heal my heart for my highest good.”

Another way to access your Spirit Guides, especially if you keep a journal or like to write, is to do some free form writing. Some call this automatic writing, where you write down your question, and then keep writing until you receive the information on the paper.

You can also try out one of the many guided meditations to help you contact your spirit guides. There are many recordings that can be accessed on the web, simply by googling “Spirit Guides meditations”. There are even YouTube videos out there that can help guide you if you feel you could use the verbal cues.

Your Spirit Guides are often also present when you receive Reiki healing sessions, since they are invited into your healing session to assist with the treatment (check out my blog post, “What To Expect During A Reiki Treatment”, on how that happens). I often receive information from a patient’s Spirit Guides during a Reiki treatment, or they make their presence known. They may either assist with the healing energy flow on another part of the patient’s body; or, in my case, I’ll receive information through seeing, hearing, feeling certain emotions that don’t belong to me, or by a sense of knowing. All practitioners have their own style, as well as their own ways of receiving information, and if the information is made known to me during the session, that patient’s Spirit Guides have made it a point for me to relay what is being communicated.

In fact, I’ve had many the delight of performing Reiki on one of my cousins. Near the end of a recent session, as I was closing it up, I saw our grandmother (who’s passed) standing beside her. She seemed concerned about my cousin’s welfare (which makes sense since my cousin is currently re-evaluating many aspects of her life right now), and I sensed a certain sense of duty that she make sure she would be ok. What was funny to me was that she was not worried about me, and so did not seem very involved in overt loving gestures my way (as she was in life). Her focus was entirely on my cousin, in a very loving, doting way. In this case, one of my cousin’s spirit guides is our Lola/Grandmother.

Also, just because someone in your ancestry may be around, doesn’t necessarily make them a Spirit Guide. In my cousin’s case, and as with most cases when doing a Reiki session, there is a definite difference in feeling that I pick up as a Reiki practitioner when there is a Spirit Guide assisting in the session, vs. a loved one who’s just dropping by.

How do I know when I am receiving guidance from my Spirit Guides, or if it’s my Ego speaking?

This can be tricky to discern, at first. Especially if you are experiencing a really challenging situation, and are unable to access your inner state of calm when seeking to hear back from your Spirit Guides. The reason being is that when you are operating from a place of fear, it is oftentimes your Ego, or critical voice, that comes to answer your question, not the deep knowing of your Spirit Guides. So, how can you tell the difference?

Your Spirit Guides will speak with a knowing. You feel it calmly in your body. The voice does not sound, or feel, stressed or anxious. It can often be soft. But, it just feels right. Like truth. It’s a calm knowing. It’s loving and firm.

When your Ego responds, however, it will be judgmental, loud, maybe even obnoxious. This is when you may hear things like, “Why did you do that?” “This is what happens when you do such and such.” “That was terrible!” And there’s always a sense of urgency, of dis-ease. This voice is not calm.

As you can see, there’s a difference between hearing feedback from your Spirit Guides vs. your Ego. It gets easier as you practice, and soon, you’ll be able to make it out without putting a lot of thought into the process of it.

What are signs that my Spirit Guides are trying to connect with me?

When you ask for signs or answers from your Spirit Guides, depending on how you tend to receive information (through sight, sound, knowing, or gut feeling/emotion), you will get answers in ways that mean the most to you. Answers may be immediately felt/heard/seen/known. At other times, it will come in other ways.

One common way answers may come is in the form of a song. Particularly, a certain lyric or line that may repeat over and over in your head.

To any other person, it may make no sense. But, to you, this particular song, and that particular lyric, holds a lot of meaning to the situation at hand that you’re asking guidance about.

Sometimes, you’ll see repeating numbers. Like 1:11, 333, or 999. In numerology, repeated numbers hold meaning. You can look up “Angel Numbers” and find easy information on how to decipher these. For instance, if you always just happen to catch the clock when it reads 1:11am/pm, that can be a sign from your TOL that you are able to manifest things very easily right now, and to be aware of what kinds of thoughts you’re putting out to manifest.

You may also see it in your surroundings. For example, if you’re taking a walk, after asking your Spirit Guides for guidance on a matter, notice what pops out to you. You may notice a certain animal that reminds you of someone/something, a billboard you may pass may speak to you. Being mindful of your surroundings after asking for guidance helps you see what signs you may be getting.

How do I make my connection with my Spirit Guides stronger?

Simply put, follow the guidance that you get. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you. Sometimes it may not seem relevant to you in the present time, because not enough has transpired for you to know all the facts. By following the guidance you’re given, you grow the strength of your connection with your Spirit Guides (as well as your intuition). And, as your connection grows stronger, the more in touch with yourself you become. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle of guidance and awareness!

What are your favorite techniques for connecting with your spirit guides?
I’d love to know in the comments below!

In the light of guidance,




Copyright © 2014 by Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.


  1. artnelson
    June 27, 2014

    Thank you, Bamboo Girl!!!!!!! I very much connected with this.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      June 27, 2014

      Thanks, Art!

      I so appreciate you dropping a line from the West Coast to speak your resonance on spirit guide love. I hope you enjoyed this post!

      Much love to you and family, Margarita

  2. Tandi
    January 3, 2015

    Thanks so much for this. I am in the process of learning about Reiki and my energy source connection within myself, Your blogs are so awesome to read. Our universe is amazing! I have been thinking about doing a reconnection through a Rieki master but I know I have it within myself to do as well, and I am just wondering what your thoughts are.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      January 3, 2015

      Hi Tandi,

      You could totally reconnect with yourself without receiving a Reiki session! All the Reiki does is more easily facilitate the process by releasing the energetic debris from your chakras, thereby helping the reconnection to self more easily. But, by simply bringing attention and awareness to your heart, and what your heart and body is trying to tell you, often gets the ball rolling.

      Good luck!

  3. Matthew Crosby
    July 28, 2015

    Dear Margarita,

    I am a Reiki student, currently at Level 1. I came to this page because when I am giving Reiki to my wife, or myself, I always feel like there is something holding me back from really delivering the kind of healing I believe I should be doing. I understand that Reiki cannot be forced, or told where to go, but I feel…almost as if my chakras are still blocked (even though my teacher showed the class via pendulum that they were all flowing).

    My teachers throughout the years call upon spirit guides to bless rooms and objects (especially when purchasing crystals). I was hoping that if I could speak to my spirit guides that they would be able to show me or ‘guide’ me to things that I may be missing.

    Also, I really wish I knew how to ‘see’ my spirit guides. Years ago in a Deeksha class I saw a being of light while my eyes were closed. Strangely, it was as if the figure was simply walking through the space, as it waved at me and continued walking to the right.

    I apologize for rambling. It seems to be as strong a skill as healing to me. Any advice further than this amazing article above would be deeply appreciated. Thank you dearly,

    Matthew E Crosby

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      July 29, 2015

      Hi Matthew,

      Thanks for your comment! Congratulations on completing Reiki Level 1, and for being aware of your body enough to know that something may be holding you back. Even if your chakras are flowing, per the pendulum reading, thoughts are powerful, and you believe that you are blocked. That believe is enough to halt your access to self.

      You mention hoping that you could speak with your Spirit Guides. In actuality, you can speak with them whenever you like! You also mentioning that you saw a being of light during a Deeksha class, but mention that you wish you knew how to “see” your Spirit Guides. Sounds like you may already do. You may want to keep in mind that communicating with Spirit Guides is not going to be the same as with those on this plane. “Hearing” and “seeing” and communicating with them will be different for everyone, and it is not typical to hear and see them physically as you would your best friend.

      I see this often with Level 1 students, where they are in touch with part of their power, but are impatient with themselves, or they feel they need some special “access” in order to tap into their power. Yours is there, you just need to trust it.

      Good luck!

      • Matthew
        July 30, 2015

        Thank you very much for your encouraging words! In truth I have always struggled with self-doubt. That was one of the main reasons I was drawn to Reiki. Right now it feels as if I woke up to realize that the keys I have been searching for were in my pocket the whole time! It a good feeling. I will continue to trust in myself and the energy I work with and I know soon those keys of mine will unlock what I’ve always had.

        • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
          July 30, 2015

          Hi Matthew,

          It is human to struggle with self-doubt, and it’s typical when we are first learning about our power. Actually, it’s usually self-doubt and impatience together. Enjoy learning to unlock your gifts!


  4. Natisha
    September 28, 2015

    Hi Margarita,

    This was very interesting to read. I am dealing with a particularly difficult situation right now and I have this song in my head every morning when I wake up that I thought was just a really pretty song. It’s a hindi song about a relationship that is very spiritual and very meant-to-be. Having looked up the lyrics, it is really relevant to my situation and it gives me a lot of hope. The song will be in my head at random moments during the day and I feel like this is my Spirit Guide letting me know that everything is going the way it needs to be and things will work out. Am I interpreting this correctly?

    This is a very interesting concept that I have just learned about and I am so happy to be able to learn more and more each day. 🙂

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      September 29, 2015

      Hi Natisha,

      Sounds like you are getting messages from your Spirit Guides loud and clear! Trust your instincts.


  5. christina
    October 6, 2015

    I absolutely love your bog! I am a massage therapist and i often blends reiki into my sessions. Sometimes I I notice i am more tired and spaced out after giving a reiki session than traditional massage. Do you have any thoughts?

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      October 6, 2015

      Hi Christina,

      What lucky customers you have! Do you mean that you feel more tired after giving a massage session with Reiki, or more tired after a Reiki session vs. a massage session? It sounds like it may be the former. If so, it sounds like the mixture of the modalities has you expending more energy than usual. It could be that the physical work of the massage with the energy work of Reiki is making you more tired, or perhaps you need to make sure you’ve set your protective energetic boundaries before your sessions. The feeling spaced out might be that you’re not as grounded while doing the work, or perhaps the person you’re working on may be working out some denser vibrations.

      Hope that helps!

  6. Amber
    November 12, 2015

    Hi Margarita!

    I just thought i’d share how my Spirit Guide connected with me today! I’m SO excited because it was something that can’t be rationalized away as a mere coincidence! It’s a real-life thing that is quantifiable, unlike the tickle they gave me on my foot while driving, to tell me to put on the brakes so i would avoid an accident that was imminent (but that’s a whole ‘nuther story).

    I was reading a book about connecting with your Spirit Guides on my Kindle. The author mentioned doing hobbies that make you happy, so i thought about what ones ME most happy. I smiled as i thought of a couple of them, especially one. I even commented out loud about how happy that one makes me, even though hadn’t done that hobby in over a year. Then, an hour or so later when i finished the book, i connected to wifi so the notes & highlights i made could be updated online.

    Then it happened and i was shocked! A new book started downloading onto my Kindle! I did NOT have any books in queue to download, and even if i did, it certainly wouldn’t have been that one! It was a book on the subject of the hobby that i had smiled about earlier! As i said, i hadn’t even thought of it in over a year! I was blown away!

    So the messages do come in many ways…

    Thank you so much for your article! I very much enjoyed it and will check out the rest of your blog!

    Hugs… Amber

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      November 14, 2015

      Hi Amber,

      You’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed my post. I totally don’t believe in coincidences, and it sounds like your Spirit Guides are helping you get in touch with those things that bring you joy.


  7. Michael
    February 15, 2016

    Thank you for writing this blog article it came to me at the right time. Sending you light and love all the way from the other side of the globe ❤️

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      February 16, 2016

      Hi Michael,

      Thanks for the light and love! Back at you. I’m glad that the blog post was helpful to you.


  8. Valerian D Souza
    March 18, 2016

    I am 56 year and I am from India working in Libya. I love to learn spiritual, reiki and many things. I do meditation. I love your blog. it inspired me. I want to cure my self. can you teach me??.
    Thanks and regards
    Valerian D Souza

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      March 18, 2016

      Hi Valerian,

      I’m glad that you enjoy my blog! Please check out my other posts to continue learning more about how to heal yourself on your journey. Also, I will be coming out with an online course soon, that will explore how to empower yourself through chakra awareness and tapping into your Inner Goddess. If you’d like to learn more about it, sign up at http://bit.ly/GoddessWarrior to find out when it launches!


  9. Lalitha Dow
    April 30, 2016

    Hi while doing a reiki on a client I felt a person touch my face would this be my guide or is this someone in Spirot for the person learned reiki over a year ago but still learning everything about reiki too.also any advice or tips on grousing pls I always forget to
    Do this love all you post really interesting many thanks xx

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      May 2, 2016

      Hi Lalitha,

      Sounds like you are learning to get more in touch with how you work with energy. Sometimes, a Spirit Guide, ancestor, or other being of Light likes to make themselves known, and let you know that you are being held. Of course, you can tell the difference between what feels right vs. what doesn’t, and this is something to consider, as well. For grounding, check out my blog post, “3 Things You Can Do To Ground Yourself On Earth Day”, or learn more about the Root Chakra with my post, “Why Fear Of Survival Can Be Hazardous To Your Health (The Root Chakra)”.

      Good luck!

  10. Jovannie
    May 23, 2016

    Hi, I have been reading your material and I am interested in getting acupuncture and reiki, but I live in White Plains Maryland, is their someone hear that you can recommend I go to, it would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      May 23, 2016

      Hi Jovannie,

      I don’t personally know any Acupuncturists and Reiki practitioners in your area, but it appears acupuncturist Dr. Marcie Baer at Holistic Wellness and Acupuncture is in your area.

      Please also check out my post, “What To Look For In An Acupuncturist Or Reiki Practitioner” (https://alcantaraacupuncture.com/what-to-look-for-acupuncturist-reiki-practitioner/).

      Good luck!

  11. Cindi Oakey
    August 28, 2016

    I simply love all your writings! So poignant. A great reminder how to approach some issues I’m wrestling with these days. On a funnier note, I unintentionally called on friend who had passed to help me complete a sewing task, using her name with the title Goddess of all things sewing, and viola, my struggle subsided. I was startled a bit, but knew she was there for me.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      August 28, 2016

      Hi Cindi,

      Great to hear from you! Sounds like your words to summon the Goddess sewing prowess of your dear one was heeded. Isn’t it fabulous how our words are so powerful?


  12. Julie Milletti
    November 21, 2017

    Great article with clarity. As I was reading the first paragraph, my laptop clock showed that it was 1:11. 🙂

  13. Kristie Alcantara
    December 11, 2017

    Hi margarita , Its me again LOL … on april 13 2015 my mother commited suicide at age 50 , I was 27, i miss her so much and I pray everyday for a sign , anything to let me know she’s with me I used to find white feathers and see blue jays, but lately nothing and I just feel alone I miss her so much it’s been so hard on me. But everyday I keep pushing forward. For the past week I keep hearing this song about suicide by logic and alesia cara with the line “I don’t even want to die anymore” i know it word for word and i can relate … do you think this is my mom telling me she’s sorry ? I have so many emotions and thoughts and feelings lately I find myself crying and I’m not a crier. I feel like I’m not who I was before and like I’m lost I just need to clear myself of all this negativity.. I have 2 boys ages 5 and 8 , kairo and pharaoh , I feel like I’m not the same mom anymore bc I don’t have my mom here to guide me.. I need her,she was my best friend ., right before she passed I felt of a part of my soul leave my body .. is that possible.? i pray to my guides to help me find my way… I just need your wisdom and advice please.. I apologize for rambling !!

    • Sharon parsons
      August 26, 2019

      You are in grief and it is natural even healthy to cry. You have lost your physical connection to her, but not her love, nor her. She remains available to you and messages come through in many ways to us from our loved ones. I think your spot on with your interpretation of the song. She sees clearly now and still loves you and can guide you. Just ask. She is safe surrounded by love. We are constantly changing, growing, you are not the same, never will be. But when you have allowed yourself your true feelings and come out the other side of this loss, the suffering will produce growth and spiritual advancement. I lost my wife of 20 years. She was all my family. Part of me died with her, and it has taken much instruction, tears, and pain to learn what I just told you. My wife is still available, and has sent instruction and packages of love to me. Her death catapulted me into rapid spiritual growth. I still miss her, and the whole process had hurt like hell, but the gifts and transformation that are occurring would not have occurred if she hadn’t left. And it’s ok to be pissed at her. Be real/true to what you are feeling. Let it out, if there is a friend who can stand wittiness to your grief and pain, someone just present to hear you, without judgement or advice . A grief consular can be a witness to your pain. Transformation hurts like hell. Sending healing intentions and asking for help for you.

  14. Arianna Mimande
    December 28, 2017

    Hi this is the first time I’ve researched reiki and am interested in having a session or channeling myself. I took it upon myself to learn more about it after knowing my aunt and friends fiance, both doing reiki. I was wondering if I were to have a session with someone if they would be able to know certain aspects of my life without me telling them? If that makes sense? I could really use some guidance and am eager to become more spiritual using reiki but I worry being in a session will reveal parts of my past that are private to me, to the person in session. This article was very informational and well written and I’m eager to learn more, thank you so much! 🙂

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      December 28, 2017

      Hi Arianna,

      Thanks for your inquiry! If you’re going to receive a Reiki treatment, it is recommended to go into it being open to receive what is to come through, rather than controlling the information or the session. If you are worried about a loved one knowing about private matters if they are the practitioner, I recommend that you find a practitioner outside of your family so you can fully explore this in a confidential way. Check out my article, “What To Expect During A Reiki Treatment”, by entering it in the Search engine to the right of this screen.

      Good luck!

  15. tina
    February 3, 2018

    Hi Margharita

    I just connected to my spirit guide , am new to this have been doing reiki , and am so pleasantly surprised i probably cant put it in words but this gentle nudge and attention to things, a clear voice saying things .. i would never message or leave a comment , that’s not me, but your article has something so magical about it i had
    to write …its a beautiful miracle ….an abundant one ..this reiki and our source energy.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      February 3, 2018

      Hi Tina,

      Sounds like you’re listening to your guides, and following your intuition. Keep going!


  16. Ellie Davis
    May 4, 2018

    Thank you for pointing out that each of us has at least a few spirit guides. My sister is pretty lost in life right now and I think she should consider going to a spiritual coach to help her get in touch with her spiritual guides. I’ll have to do some research and find someone that can help her out.

  17. Ana Catarina
    July 5, 2018

    Beautiful beautiful beautiful post!

    Thank you! <3

    I'm going to practice the meditation and connection with my Spirit Guides <3 Beautiful, amazing and lovely!

    Thank you for all your amazing sharing and teachings.

    Much love to you,
    from Ibiza (Spain) and Portugal

  18. luz eng
    July 20, 2018

    Thank you for your amazing blog, I really enjoy reading your posts. I hope so I can find my Spirit Guides. However, I have a couple of question for you, are orbs spirits or another type of energy? Are these balls of light good or bad? Thank you if you can answer these questions.

    • Sharon parsons
      August 26, 2019

      If seen by camera,I would hold it suspect/mundane. If seen by your physical eyes or in your minds eye, then they can be spirit or energy ball (natural or other). The appearance and behavior of the orb is telling. I am not a orb seeing person (or hadn’t been) I’ve seen spirits as solid people, unable to tell until they vanish before my eyes. So I felt a presence of a person coming out of the church ladies room, I stepped to the side and said excuse me, looking up as I did so and was face to face with a black,smoke swirling orb the size of a soft ball. We just both stopped and stared at each other for a moment. The orb felt surprise, then fear and couldn’t wait to get out of the door. I was polite and let it leave, which it did at lightning speed. So that’s either a dark human spirit or a evil spirit (I lean towards the latter because of its behavior). I went about my business. Some time after this I was shown another orb, beautiful, deliberately moving across a book I was reading. Like a white teardrop with a tracer tail with blue and red v shape at the point where the tracer tail started. Not touching the book, and continued in space once it caught my attention. I asked God what it was and was told gauradian. I was happy to see something so beautiful. So Spirit will teach you. There are both. And sometimes it just dust . Getting hung up on the gifts can stunt your journey, take the instruction and continue on to the highest good, the Source.

  19. Sally
    March 2, 2019

    Okay, all DAY long the song Lola ( by the Kinks?) was playing in my head– could not get it out. So just went with it, singing it loud, at least what I could remember. After 12 or so hours of this and by twists and turns, I arrive at this never-before seen blog. 3 things: I’ve been thinking about returning to my old Reiki practitioner recently due to some pain issues, you used the word Lola in the article, and then said if you hear a song repeatedly, it’s a message from your guides! There are a couple more things I won’t relate, but this is interesting. I know we each have at leadt 3 or 4 ‘angels bc ive seen them in astral travels as a child. PS, I also see orbs of light like the last commenter! Weirdness! Thx.

  20. Sally
    March 2, 2019

    I too have seen light orbs for years. I feel theyhave a feminine quality, so when I see them I welcome them and call them Mary. I’ve had some truky moving experiences with them. However I sometimes see dark ones too. Tried getting rid of them but can’t as they just get more frequent. So I completely ignore them.

  21. Debra
    January 6, 2020

    I wish the original creator well wishes as it appears she is no longer active on this site. Where ever she is, thanks for the enlightened information. I seek signs in nature, like faces in leaf formations, tree shapes even the clouds may temporarily form a figure that answers a question I may have. I have learned to trust my guides completely. They have provided protection for me from since I was a small child.

    February 14, 2020

    Good read – real eye opener…..My spiritual Guide unlocked my fantasy life with him today like a BOSS… He came to me with help and guidance . and we started our journey with trust and confidence,,,..It was well thought out and planned at the perfect time/date/hour/year/day… Valentines Day 2-14-20 My guide is the most passionate dedicated man I’ve ever encountered and I didn’t realize how much I’ve failed to realize that until today, My guide has been on my side.. He never gave up….My spiritual guide is my twin flame and we fell in love first sight n Jan 2018.. He Gave me a reason to pick myself up during a tragic time in my life and I needed experienced Love and Guidance in my spiritual path. The universe aligned me with our perfect love story. My guide has been working hard on building me back up again his way…. I ignored his signs for a long time and was damn hard to work with, I could only imagine the type of stress and pain i caused in 2 years to my BestFriend I didn’t even know i had… He took the time to learn me, my life, my behavior, my mental health, my mouth, my ego, my weaknesses… All of it. I could go on and on and on and on and on……I feel comfortable to start writing again and continuing growing into what we need to be as one…. I’m forever grateful for his time and pertinence with me.. He really does care about me and my wellbeing and our future together….. Our Story is beautiful my favorite love story and I’ll rewrite it for my Guide in time.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher, Medicine Woman
      February 15, 2020

      Thanks for sharing! I would like to speak some truth into this, though. Spirit Guides are NOT incorporated in human form, hence the term, “Spirit Guide”. We do have various spiritual allies, teachers, and guides on this plane, however!

  23. David Walker
    February 23, 2021

    It’s great to learn that you focusing on meditation and prayer can help you access your inner stillness. My wife and I are wanting to improve our spiritual health and we were wondering how we could help access our inner stillness. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should focus on meditation and prayer.


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