How To Creatively Celebrate Halloween With Acupuncture And Oriental Medicine Day

An incredibly inventive jack-o-lantern that any 80’s aficionado would appreciate. “Pumpkin Party, 2008” by Rich Bowen, used with permission under CC BY 2.0.
Halloween happens to be my favorite holiday.
Not because we get to promote tooth decay in today’s youth (chocolate is delicious 365 days of the year, but as a caveat, everything is tasty in moderation!) Or, to don tiny costumes with seemingly shrinking hemlines with each passing year (in NYC, the hip beauty store chain, Ricky’s, turns into a Halloween superstore this time of year, so ladies can embody Jersey Shore’s Snooki, a naughty nurse, or even the Svedka Fembot. Men get to be Charlie Sheen or Jersey Shore’s The Situation. Good times!) However, I rather enjoy the mystery surrounding the holiday’s origins. Because, as much as a jaded New Yorker as I can be, there is magic in the every day. Even in this concrete jungle.

A Halloween lass taking her broom for a drive. “Book witch” by Marc Kevin Hall, used with permission under CC BY 2.0.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that, no matter what culture(s) your ancestors came from, there was a time when people believed in the power of the unseen. Whether they be in the forms of praying for a good harvest, picking specific herbs or berries to salve a wound, applying healing touch or indigenous arts of healing to promote wellness, or manifesting goals, among some. Being of mixed blood descent, I honor the various ways my lineages may have created wellness. For example, in the Philippines, female healers/priestesses were called “babaylans”. Some people would like to call them simply, “brujas”; but, really, these were women during the pre-Hispanic times who held high positions in government, brought communities together, and were a healing connection between heaven and earth. They made talismans out of miniature containers filled with sand, rocks, herbs, salt, and coconut oil. Many cultures have wise women in their past. And many people, men and women, still honor that strong connection to self, healing, and community, in various forms. And others may not even be aware that they are indeed tapping into their own personal power that everyone has.
Halloween is the perfect time to ripen the harvest of what you want to manifest in life, after sifting and discarding what is no longer useful (check out my previous blog post where I talk about releasing yourself from unconstructive metal patterns during this season.) To tap into your personal power, which is not always visible. It is very gratifying to see the fruits of your labor in physical ways. But, it is also very poignant to achieve goals and/or go further on a healing journey, when you may have thought it was unattainable a year before.

Loads of candy that would make the dentist smile. “The Take” by David Wiley, used with permission under CC BY 2.0.
So, instead of thinking that this holiday only belongs to the kids and bad zombie makeup (for real zombie makeup, check out one of my favorite TV shows, “The Walking Dead”), think of it as a way of reconnecting with a belief in the magical, and see if you observe something new, out of the ordinary, or a little coincidental in timing to a recent prayer, meditation, or thought.
Also, Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Day was October 24th. It was created to bring awareness to the many health benefits and progress in the medicine that has been around for more than 2,000 years.
In the previous blog post, I’d announced that, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I had created a special treatment package specific to breast cancer treatment concerns/issues. That will continue for the remainder of the month of October.
And, in honor of AOM Day, I will be offering a special 25% discount for any first time patients, until November 10th, 2011, the next Full Moon. Do not worry, I will not be dressing in flowing Stevie Nicks threads anytime soon; but I did want to bring together my favorite holiday, Halloween, and my love for acupuncture.
Besides reconnecting with a belief in the magical for Halloween, how else can you creatively celebrate this holiday, as well as AOM? Please do not suggest the movie, “Final Destination 5”. That acupuncture scene was so out of date, complete with stereotypical evil dragon lady, it practically went straight to video!
Instead, consider a ritual towards wellness, like:
- Creating a harvest altar, with a squash and/or small pumpkin from the local farmer’s market, plus any local nature walk finds that strike your fancy (leaves, acorns, stones, etc.)
- Unplugging, and not being connected to the internet for a designated amount of hours (que horror!)
- Lighting a white candle and recognizing how inexplicably incredible you have been for getting through the past year
Enjoy the simple indulgence of watching a juicy horror flick with a gigantic bowl of popcorn (hint: try drizzling coconut oil on the batch, you will thank me later!)

Drizzle some of that healthy and tasty coconut oil on top of those kernels! “Popcorn” by Eddie Welker, used with permission under CC BY 2.0.
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