VIDEO: How To Open Your Third Eye

Do you sometimes feel slight pressure where your eyebrows meet, as if there’s a thumb being pressed against it (and has nothing to do with having a headache?) Or, do you feel challenged when it comes to trusting your intuition?

If so, it’s possible that your Third Eye Chakra is trying to tell you something!

In this video, “How To Open Your Third Eye”, I explore ways to open up your Third Eye, otherwise known as your Inner Wisdom, or Intuition. One of them is as easy as changing up how you drink your water!

This subject of opening up the Third Eye is so popular, I ended up writing a blog post about it, called, “5 Ways To Open Up Your Third Eye”.

And, as part of my Chakra Blog Series, I explored the symptoms of a blocked Third Eye, and how the imbalances show up in our bodies, in, “Why Not Trusting Your Intuition Can Be Hazardous To Your Health (The Third Eye Chakra)”.

We are all on a personal journey to align with our Higher Self, to own who we are meant to be, and to shine that light out into the world. As we evolve and transform, we release old patterns that no longer serve us, so that we can receive the joy and abundance that is our birthright.

Part of our transformation as Light Beings involves us not only releasing those outdated parts of ourselves, but also becoming more aware of our gifts. And, as we make that spiral upwards, our Third Eye awakens, since we are now ready for our Inner Wisdom to speak.




The question is: are you ready to start trusting that which you cannot see?

That’s the biggest challenge for those who have a strong Third Eye, but who have not yet honed it. The reason this is the case is because our Inner Wisdom sees past the physical realm. And, in order for us to break out of our old beliefs of what we’re capable of, we need to remember how tapped in we actually are. How tapped in we’ve always been, but have lost sight of.

Because this is all about remembering our fabulosity!

Don’t get me wrong, it is scary to break out of the molds we’ve made for ourselves. It is scary to challenge our patterns and how we move through the world, even if they have been dysfunctional methods of coping.

People think that when you choose the path of your personal brand of enlightenment, that it’s all fairy dust and sparkles. There is that magic, but elevating your essence means taking a good hard look at all those ugly parts that you perceive of yourself. Shadow work is important for this kind of stuff, to uncover those areas of you that are in dire need of healing. And, to do that kind of work, a certain type of courage is summoned.

So, no, it’s not easy to trust in something you don’t even know about. But, the good news is that as uncomfortable as the grey miasma may seem at first, opening up that door to your Intuition is like having a very useful tool in your toolbox – you can always reach out for it when you need it, and you’ll always have it on hand!

In addition, knowing that you have the answer within you brings a certain sense of calm, and makes your Heart do the happy dance. And, to me, that is worth the journey.

If you’re already in touch with your Third Eye, what’s your favorite way to hone it?
If you are still getting familiar with it, what’s your biggest challenge?
Please share it in the comments, below!

May you honor the Wisdom within you,







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