What is a Power Activation?

Power Activation is when I tap into the accelerated frequencies of the Ascension energies (some call it New Earth or New Paradigm energies), to activate and awaken your latent DNA Divinity Codes on the various levels of your being – on all physical, energetic, emotional, mental, etheric, cosmic levels – unleashing your Divine Power within.

I do this by opening the door of the Source of True Power to displace Artificial Power. 

Power Activation work is indeed, powerful, so only those who truly feel called forward to be embodied in their Truth actually step forward.

Power Activation work:

  1. Activates your Power Codes on all levels of your being at the DNA level.
  2. Literally shifts the frequency of your being, so that you can operate from next level frequency that makes it easier to tap into your Truth and Purpose.
  3. Helps you shed the glasses of illusion that you’ve been wearing in the matrix, where you’ve been believing the lies our society has conditioned us in.
  4. Raises your vibration, repatterns the brain, augments your physical/spiritual/etheric systems beyond time and space, and can shift your health.
  5. Aligns you with your True Self and Soul’s Contract, which then allows you to exude your True Power from the depths of your being.
  6. Crumbles old and tertiary timelines based on the Fear Matrix, and replaces them with primary timelines that are aligned with your Power.
  7. Can bring about instant healing that is much quicker than other forms of healing.
  8. Can immediately clear blocked chakras and energies that don’t serve you, heal ancestral lines, clear out past life blocks that are keeping you from your power, and help you step into your Diamond Light Embodiment.

Here’s what happens in your life when you are activated into your Power:

  1. You create a life that is conscious and aligned with your purpose in the world.
  2. You easily access the next level of your Soul’s Mission.
  3. You feel lighter and more energized.
  4. You begin to release old, limiting patterns and beliefs that have been blocking you from your Power.
  5. You are in alignment with a career you love (whether working a more aligned day job or working for yourself), where you feel fulfilled, are in full abundance, and in service.
  6. You create more fulfilling romantic, platonic, and professional relationships that open your heart.
  7. You trust your intuition more deeply, make decisions more easily, and have clarity in your Soul’s Purpose.
  8. Your physical, emotional, spiritual, cosmic and all versions of your bodies feel optimal in health.
  9. You have an Inner Peace that exudes from you.
  10. You cultivate a life of abundance.

Power Activation FAQ’s:

Where does it take place? Virtually via Zoom.

Who is this work for? My Power Activation and Mentorship work best serves New Earth Leaders and Spiritually Conscious Entrepreneurs who are here to activate light & power for the planet, and want to build their epic spiritual businesses.

How long is a typical Power Activation experience? It depends on which program best supports you, which we’d explore during our free one-on-one strategy call (details below). I do not provide single sessions.

What happens during a Power Activation experience? Depending on the service or program, it can look different, since no two experiences are alike, and are completely tailored to what you are committed to achieving towards the next level of your power. Generally, we set the intention for what you want to open to on your highest level, we’ll discuss strategies to help you achieve your visionary goals as a New Earth Leader, and I’ll perform a Divine Power Activation to awaken your Divine Potential at the DNA level. Because I’m an initiated Medicine Woman (Shamanic Practitioner), I will also clear any blocks that are keeping you from your Powerful Vision, if needed. Sometimes these blocks are on the chakra, ancestral, galactic, and past life levels. Effects are immediate. And it is your responsibility to continue with the inner work needed towards your expansion.

Is this similar to a Reiki or other energy healing treatments? No. Power Activations are not healing sessions, although instant healing can happen during one. Power Activations access the accelerated frequencies of the New Earth Energy, which quickens the time continuum in embodying your Light Codes awakening within you. You entire Light Body becomes activated, and your Divine Power on the DNA level is activated. In contrast, typical energy healing treatments tend to take longer to produce the desired affect, and is more passive in nature.

How do I get started? You can apply for a one-on-one call with me, HERE, so we can discuss which Power Activation offering would most support you towards your fullest embodiment!

Are you ready to unleash your Power Potential, so that you lead a more fulfilled life living your Soul’s Purpose and making an impact optimally in the world?



  1. Natalie
    June 16, 2020

    I’ve just watched your interview with Angel, and also your video explaining what a power activation is. I see that you do not offer just one session, but would like some idea around pricing so I can see if I can afford to see you or not.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher, Medicine Woman
      July 15, 2020

      I believe my assistant reached out to you about this. As mentioned, above, I recommend booking your complimentary call with me, so I can see what Power Activation offering would best support you towards your fullest embodiment at this time.

  2. Rizwana Ghori
    March 1, 2021

    Kindly contact me .on my email rizudisney2016@gmail.com

  3. valerie mena major
    May 5, 2022

    I was interested in 1:1 free session to see what services you can assist me with. I tried to book through your calendly site is invalid.


    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher, Medicine Woman
      May 6, 2022

      Hi there! The link has been checked and should be working properly now. We look forward to your call!

  4. Viktoria
    April 16, 2023

    Hi there, I’m trying to book a call with you and it’s requesting CC info. Is this call now $44.00?

    Thank you 💕

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher, Medicine Woman
      April 17, 2023

      Hi Viktoria! Yes, it is. My assistant, Rebecca, will reach out and help you book your call. Hope to connect soon!

  5. Nikki R Serna
    September 5, 2024

    I bought your book CHAKRA HEALING, a beginner’s guide to self-healing techniques that balance the Chakras.

    I have been on a path for approximately 30 years. In my mind I have felt a tug, not the best description, I am drawn to tarot, stones manly, at times I feel like Alice in Wonderland. I see and escape at the same time.

    I have a tendency to care for everyone else before own health. It is catching up to me, I have been telling my daughter that there is a imbalance in me, to strong to ignore.
    I’m looking for guidance and I believe I could make a difference and or help in this crazy place we call life.
    Am I crazy?
    I’m in Mew Mexico, your in Arizona, how can I make an appointment with you? Would that be possible?
    I would need to plan it, as my husband is self employed.
    You ma I contact me at nikkisrn1@gmail.com or text me at 575-202-3070.

    Please, I hope you can help me.
    Blessed be, Nikki

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher, Medicine Woman
      November 5, 2024

      Hi Nikki, My assistant will reach out to you.


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