"13/365 ~ ¿Querrás tú rectificar las líneas de mis manos?" by Anais Gómez-C., used with permission under CC BY-ND 2.0. Source.

When Healers Get Fibroids (Or: Honoring How We Birth Our Ideas Into The World)

When I first began my practice, I had a difficult time promoting myself as a “healer”.  The reason being, I fully believe that everyone has the innate power within to heal themselves, of their toxic emotions, beliefs, thought patterns, and, many times, their physical manifestations of illness.  I just happen to have the knowledge to help activate their “inner healer” through Acupuncture, Reiki, other modalities, and the strong guidance of my intuition and heart-centered connection.  Nowadays, I do use the word “healer” to describe myself, mainly to keep things simple.  But, I always remind my patients, when they come back to me, thanking me for relief of their symptoms, “You’re welcome, but make sure you thank yourself, since you are the one who really did the work!”

And, as healers, we are often perceived as being impervious to all illnesses, negative thoughts forms, and the typical trappings of being human.  Not so!  Just because a person is a healer does not mean that we do not experience fear, sadness, anger, health challenges, or are saved from going through the energetic muck in order to reach enlightenment, joy, and love.  I know many healers who often feel bad for feeling bad, and get upset with themselves for being angry.  I don’t have that problem!  We all experience similar things, and it’s up to us how we handle them and interact with our world.  I know this, which is why I am so grateful to have found meditation and Reiki, both of which I practice every day.  I eat mainly organic food, drink herbal infusions and Chinese herbs to nourish and tonify and balance, do interval training and practice my arnis/eskrima/kali, surround myself with positive people and things, and am constantly working on maintaining proper Qi flow in my life, thoughts, actions, and spirit.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I found out last week that I have two large fibroids on my uterus!  What??!  But, I’m a healer.  How could I not have caught this before they grew so large?  Smaller fibroids are treatable with Acupuncture, Herbs, and Reiki, but these two are large – one is the size of a pear, the other the size of a tennis ball.  These babies may need to be removed by surgery.  Interesting choice of words, since the uterus is in the area of the Second Chakra, the energy center that focuses on relationships, emotions, money,  femininity, sexuality, pleasure, addictions, and Goddess Consciousness.  Soon enough, I became hellbent in understanding the energetic meaning of my fibroids.

According to Dr. Elizabeth Stewart, the Chair of Reproductive Endocrinology of the Mayo Clinic, about 1 in 4 women have uterine fibroids sometime during their lives. But, most are unaware of them because they often cause no symptoms.  In my case, they caused sharp pain, hence my visit to my gynecologist who confirmed my large fibroids during ultrasound.

No one really knows what causes fibroids.  But, according to WomensHealth.gov, the following factors can increase a woman’s chance of getting fibroids:

  • Age. Fibroids become more common as women age, especially during the 30s and 40s through menopause. After menopause, fibroids usually shrink.
  • Family history. Having a family member with fibroids increases your risk. If a woman’s mother had fibroids, her risk of having them is about three times higher than average.  I found out soon after I got my results, that my mother also had fibroids.
  • Ethnic origin. African-American women are more likely to develop fibroids than white women.
  • Obesity. Women who are overweight are at higher risk for fibroids. For very heavy women, the risk is two to three times greater than average.
  • Eating habits. Eating a lot of red meat (e.g., beef) and ham is linked with a higher risk of fibroids. Eating plenty of green vegetables seems to protect women from developing fibroids.

Aside from the fact that I possibly inherited my obviously astounding fibroid-making ability from my genes, I knew it represented something deeper.  My awareness of my fibroids came around the time of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the New Moon Solar Eclipse.  Talk about strongly releasing that which does not serve you!

Upon further research, I found that fibroids could be energetically seen as a difficulty with “birthing” new ideas, and fibroids can be a physical manifestation of fear or blockage about birthing our new ideas out into the world.  Energetically speaking, fibroid tumors can be a tumorization process of old, negative, toxic thoughts, emotions, or feelings that are clumped together and proliferate.

In addition, Caroline Myss, Ph.D., teaches that fibroid tumors represent our creativity that was never birthed.  Fibroids can also result when we are flowing life energy into dead ends, such as jobs or relationships that we have outgrown.  Fibroids are often associated with conflicts about creativity, reproductions, and relationships.  Fibroids can also be seen as anger that your creative energy has been blocked.

After some tears of anger (mostly at myself), I thought hard about the reasons why I cultivated these fibroids, and I looked within deeply during my meditations.  I have been so open to my work, within and without, how could this have happened to me?  I gave myself space to allow my grief, dismay, and anger.  And then I got in touch with my Higher Self, who told me that I was releasing many old relationship issues, and some blockage of birthing my new ideas into this world.  And, frankly, some of this energy felt really old, like, probably left over from a past life kind of old.

Once I discovered this, I realized how wonderful my body is – instead of creating a malignant cancerous tumor to indicate to me all of this toxicity I had created, my body instead chose to consolidate all of my old stuff that no longer serves me into these pockets that are ready to be snipped away, if I chose surgery, or shrunken, if I chose an alternative healing route.  When people strongly release, it comes in many forms.  I believe that in my case, there’s a part of me that wanted “physical evidence” of my release.  And, that’s what my body produced.  Although I’m not crazy about the possibility of having surgery, I am thankful to my body for alerting me to bringing attention where it’s due in a non-malignant way, so that I can address it more fruitfully.  And, luckily, my two large fibroids are exophytic leiomyomas, which essentially means they’re on the outside of the uterus, and are, thus, more easily removable (vs. an intramural leiomyoma, which is within the lining of the uterus, or a submucosal leiomyoma, which is within the uterine cavity.)

At first, I was hesitant about sharing this experience on this blog for various reasons.  But, I soon learned that I have been given a gift – to be in greater touch with myself, and, although I don’t know how yet, it’ll help me serve even better as a practitioner.  And I’m sharing my story with you because if I am just 1 of the 3 out of 4 women out there effected by fibroids, there are at least several others who can benefit by knowing that they are not alone.  Most of the time fibroids are small enough to be asymptomatic and not cause any problems.  But, sometimes they require surgery, such as in my case, because they are symptomatic, and because it is my personal choice to opt for it.  I am already keeping my body healthy and strong with Reiki, herbs, infusions, and possibly, Acupuncture, in preparation for surgery, which will be either via laparoscopy, through a small incision near my navel, which would be ideal for shorter recovery time, or abdominal, which could take a few weeks to fully heal.  Either way, I intend to have a speedy and complete recovery, with a mended 2nd chakra that’s ready to birth ideas fully, completely, wonderfully, fiercely, fabulously, and with ease!  Needless to say, my 2nd chakra’s getting a lot of love nowadays with rose quartz, Reiki, flaxseed meal, nourishing herbal infusions, Chinese herbs, healthy eats, an increased awareness, and lots of self care.

Have you been experiencing any difficulty in birthing your ideas?  If so, what are they?
As always, I’d love to hear what you have to say, so please leave me a comment, below.

Note: To read the rest of my fibroid healing journey, please check out, “When Healers Get Fibroids: Part II: My Recovery After Laparoscopic Myomectomy“, and “When Healers Get Fibroids: Part III: 8 Ways To Heal Body, Mind, And Spirit After Laparoscopic Myomectomy“.

Ready to birth new ideas with full creativity, and in honor of Goddess Consciousness,



P.S. Please keep in mind that although I’m a healthcare practitioner, any feedback I may offer in the comments, below, is purely my personal opinion. Make sure that you consult with a trusted healthcare or medical practitioner before making any hardcore decisions about your girly parts!



Copyright © 2013 by Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

All information on this website is my own opinion, and not to be taken as medical advice. Reliance on any information provided on this website is solely at your own risk. Please refer to your medical practitioner before making any medical decisions.


  1. An Urban Mystic
    May 14, 2013

    Thankyou for the share Margarita and I wish you a fast and speedy recovery! Blessings my fellow Keeper of the Light. 🙂

  2. shoba
    August 9, 2013

    hi there, on the 11 july 2013 i had my womb taken out as it was totally infected with fabroids(inside and one outside the womb), i am still processing this as i did not expect this to happen to me or why i had to experience this…

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master
      August 9, 2013

      I’m sorry to hear of the sudden removal of your womb due to your fibroids, Shoba! Although fibroids are not considered an infection, it sounds like they may have been symptomatic. I send you healing energy that you may optimally heal on all levels, and find ease during the sudden transition.

  3. Julie
    September 21, 2013

    I had several fibroids removed over several years. I did not know that there was an emotional connection to the cause. Your explanation was interesting to me and gives me great hope. I’ve always felt that I wanted to do more with my life but put others first. Your explanation has given me clarity and peace; now is the time to think more seriously about what I want to do with my life.Thanks .

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master
      September 21, 2013

      Thank you for sharing your story, Julie! I strongly believe that our emotional and spiritual selves are connected our physical selves, and vice versa. I didn’t realize how deep the energetic meanings of fibroids were, myself, until I did the research due to my wanting to learn where it came from, from all levels. I’m so glad that my story gave you hope, clarity, and peace, and that you are thinking more seriously about putting yourself and your dreams in the forefront! Dream big. Much luck to you!

  4. When Healers Get Fibroids: Part II: My Recovery After Laparoscopic Myomectomy | Alcantara Acupuncture Blog
    October 14, 2013

    […] my discovery that I had uterine fibroids (also known as leiomyomas or myomas), in my post, “When Healers Get Fibroids (Or:  Honoring How We Birth Our Ideas Into The World)“.  At the time, it was a personal struggle for me as to whether or not to share my story, […]

  5. When Healers Get Fibroids: Part III: 8 Ways To Heal Body, Mind, And Spirit After Laparoscopic Myomectomy | Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts Blog
    March 24, 2014

    […] Myomectomy”, which documented my experience immediately after laparoscopic myomectomy, and, “When Healers Get Fibroids (Or: Honoring How We Birth Our Ideas Into The World)”, which talked about my discovery of fibroids, and on my dilemma of whether or not to go the natural […]

  6. When Healers Get Fibroids: Part III: 8 Ways To Heal Body, Mind, And Spirit After Laparoscopic Myomectomy - Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts
    April 20, 2014

    […] Myomectomy”, which documented my experience immediately after laparoscopic myomectomy, and, “When Healers Get Fibroids (Or: Honoring How We Birth Our Ideas Into The World)”, which talked about my discovery of fibroids, and on my dilemma of whether or not to go the natural […]

  7. jo
    October 31, 2014

    Thank so much for your story. iTday i foundvout i have three small fibroids and yes i have had trouble birthing my creative ideas through fear – and what ifs. It makes all the sense in the wirld to read this blog thanks Jo

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      October 31, 2014

      Hi Jo,

      Thank you for reading! I hope you found the blog helpful. That’s great that your fibroids are still small. This gives you the opportunity to take care of them when they’re still manageable. The body is so amazing to give us feedback about what’s no longer working for us.

      Good luck!

  8. Kia Hamm
    November 19, 2014

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I had a myomectomy in July of this year, and as it was my 1st (and hopefully last) surgery, I was completely traumatized afterwards. I just tried to keep myself in a positive and healing light and energy and was just thanking Spirit a few days ago because I feel so good! I know that complete internal healing can take up to a year, but my incision has healed wonderfully, and I am back to my normal active self. I hope to even start training for a marathon sometime in the near future. Again thank you for posting, and all the very best to anyone else who had gone or who is going through something similar.
    Be blessed,
    Kia 🙂

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      November 20, 2014

      Thanks for reading, Kia! I appreciate you sharing your story. I’m sorry to hear that you were so traumatized afterwards. But, the fact that you consistently kept yourself on the positive tip is wonderful, and I’m sure it’s made an impact in you feeling so much better! You may want to check out my Part II & Part III of “When Healers Get Fibroids” – Part II talks about my my surgery, and Part III talks about myomectomy aftercare. Our stories are so important. Thank you for sharing yours. Here’s to your continued healing, health, and strength!


    • Natasha
      March 13, 2016

      Thanks for sharing your experience. I just had an abdominal myomectomy with a major complication (DIC) after. It’s hard to believe I’ll be back to normal but I still hope to return to runnig and possibly train for a marathon within the next year. Please let us know how you are doing and if you did your marathon.

  9. Ms. Domonique
    January 20, 2015

    I had an open myomectomy in November 2014. My recovery continues to go well. Recently I’ve been feeling open an vulnerable. I don’t know what to do with those emotions.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      January 22, 2015

      Thanks for reading, Ms. Dominique, and for sharing your story. It is totally normal, after a myomectomy, to feel vulnerable or to feel overwhelmed with emotion. After all, all of those fibroids were right in the seat of the emotional center of our body, the second chakra! After they’ve been removed, you are left feeling all those feelings that the fibroids had shielded you from feeling. So, that’s great news that you are getting back in touch with them. I would suggest taking things slowly, practicing gentleness with yourself, and surrounding yourself only with positive and loving people (as much as you can, anyways!)

      Good luck,

  10. Sara
    February 15, 2015

    Alcantra, thanks for this article..Feels peaceful now. My symptoms and the reason behind Fibroid confirms what I have. I too am an Energy worker, and similar issues with birthing so many ideas…

    What I want to know is if you offer distance sessions, as I would like to have my act together now..and allow what is for me, and not continue to channel energy towards things which I have outgrown…I wish to be healed without surgery/medicines. If you don’t do sessions, Is there anyone whom you think can help me?

    Awaiting your feedback!

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      February 17, 2015

      I’m glad the article resonated with you, Sara!

      Yes, in fact, I do offer distance Reiki sessions. Feel free to email me at margarita@alcantaraacupuncture.com, and we can talk more about it.

      In healing,

  11. Annette
    February 18, 2015

    I just got back from a doctor’s visit, and a total hysterectomy is advised for my circumstances… a very large uterine fibroid, which I only became aware of last month after a routine exam. In the past, I have also had issues with my Bartholin’s glands. Ultimately, my right gland was completely removed. Shortly afterward, the left gland became blocked and remains that way. I find it interesting that the same physical issue is there. This concerns me, as I wonder if removing my uterus is going to resolve the underlying issue. ? I am open to natural healing and much prefer to take care of both of these physical manifestations once and for all. I’ve not had much direction regarding this…any help would be greatly appreciated!
    I am an artist, and create on a constant basis, as that is my passion. I am always birthing new ideas, but there are definitely projects that have been put on the back burner, so to speak. I am blessed with SO many gifts, and am very grateful! Perhaps I am not using my gifts to their fullest? I find it difficult to see what I am to do next.
    Thank you for listening!! 🙂

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      February 20, 2015

      Hi Annette,

      Although you really should make your final health decisions with a trusted medical/healthcare practitioner, I can offer that it sounds like a total hysterectomy was recommended due to the size of your uterine fibroid. This is common. In fact, if you check out my other posts in the “When Healers Get Fibroids” series (I wrote 3 blog articles on my process), some medical consent forms (like the one I signed on pre-surgery) will actually include the possibility that they may need to perform a hysterectomy, if deemed necessary during the surgery. This is usually only when the very large fibroid is located in a problematic area of the uterus (usually within the uterus, or within the uterine wall, itself), and so it could present great discomfort or health risk in the long run. Whether or not you decide to do a hysterectomy, you will need to work on any underlying energetic issues. It may be helpful to work with a perceptive energy worker/healer to help you get to the root cause of this.

      Good luck!

  12. Tanzi
    March 29, 2015

    Thank you for this post. I found out I had a fibroid due to symptoms and the inability to conceive. This is the first thing I’ve read in months that gave me any sense of hope or understanding of what my body is doing. I love this: ” instead of creating a malignant cancerous tumor to indicate to me all of this toxicity I had created, my body instead chose to consolidate all of my old stuff that no longer serves me into these pockets that are ready to be snipped away.” As I wait for a surgery date, I have new ideas to hang on to and am hopeful for positive results. My fibroid is large (grapefruit) so I will have to have laporoscopy along with a large incision similar to a c-section in order to get it out. In the meantime perhaps I will try castor oil packs.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      March 31, 2015

      Hi Tanzi,

      I’m so glad that this blog post gave you a greater understanding about what’s going on with your fibroids, and that it gave you a sense of hope. That is a large fibroid, indeed! Yes, usually with the larger fibroids, abdominal myomectomy is performed. Castor oil packs will be helpful in the meantime, for sure. Please check out my other blog post on how to make them, which gives some thorough pointers.

      Good luck, and speedy recovery,

  13. Claire
    August 30, 2015

    Hi Margarita,
    I have just discovered I have a large grapefruit sized fibroid, due to it’s awkward position I’ve been recommended to have a full hysterectomy. This has been very tough news to take and a very emotional time as I lost my dear mother only 2 months ago.
    I came across your blog whilst researching energetic reasons for fibroids and it has been so helpful on many levels…..thank you.
    I am also a Reiki healer and Massage Therapis and so I can really relate to the pressure to ‘heal yourself’
    I have managed to connect with my fibroid through meditation and am aware now of a deep emotional issue which had not been completely resolved. I can feel gratitude toward my fibroid for bringing this to my attention and now set about healing this issue.
    Obviously I am aware that the physical aspect of the fibroid has to be dealt with medically, but I’m preparing myself for that.
    Once again, thank you for your words and inspiration.
    Love & Light xxx

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      August 30, 2015

      Hi Claire,

      Thanks for sharing your story! To discover that you have a large grapefruit fibroid, along with possibly getting a hysterectomy, is big news, indeed. Particularly when you’re moving through grief at the loss of dear one.

      How wonderful you’ve used meditation to connect with your fibroid energy and find out about some unresolved issues. Nicely done!

      Much light and love to you for speedy recovery and healing,

  14. Duyen
    September 19, 2015

    I do very much appreciate knowing that I am not alone when it comes to fibroids. I have a very large fibroid that is pedunculated (growing out of my uterus on a stalk) and many large fibroids in my uterus. I do not want to have a hysterectomy asks and amazed and saddened that most gyns suggest removing, fibroids aside, a perfectly good uterus. I deeply identify with the reasons (stifled creativity, etc) I have developed fibroids and further believe that my uterus can be spared. I encourage everyone to get 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions before opting for a hysterectomy. Fibroidssecondopinion.com is an excellent site that has helped me. I am thankful to know there are other options, and surgeons with exceptional skills that can do what some say is impossible. I am working hard to free myself of the painful emotions, thoughts that birthed these fibroids. I hope and pray for the complete healing of each woman–mind, body, and soul.
    Peace & Love!

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      September 20, 2015

      Hi Duyen,

      I agree with you, getting additional opinions, especially when it comes to big things like surgeries, is very important. And, thanks for sharing the website that you found helpful. Hopefully, others reading will, too! Congratulations on getting in touch with these things you were not aware of before. May you and your uterus heal optimally!


  15. molly
    December 29, 2015

    Hi there.. excellent writeup. Starting to research as I mentally prepare for a myectomy (sp?) surgery.
    I just turned 45 – have birthed 3 large babies entirely naturally and absolutely detest doctors and surgeons for what is meant to be a natural process – ie birthing a baby. But, after much thought, I felt like you in letting surgeons do what they are best in doing, removing fibroids.
    My fibroids grew approx a year ago (13 months ago) when my very young and accomplished sister of 32 died “mysteriously” at the home she shared with her husband and inlaws and a son.. we suspect murder.. anyway, I felt stunned and immobilized for about 2 months… within those 2 months, one brother decided to be a total “bad guy” towards me, just because.. thus I ate poorly, stopped exercising but had a supporting husband who “let me grieve” in a practically vegetative state. Yep, that’s precisely when I grew the fibroid which I found out about 3 months later. It is possible I had something before the ‘growing’ because I have had heavy bleeding for about 2 years prior – when we all went gluten and dairy free (in CT).. I thought it was a good thing..
    I don’t know why but hysterectomy is the defacto option given in the US, particularly if you’ve already had babies. I truly and GENUINELY believe that my uterus was able to “capture” all the negative energy, plus allergens/pollutants/nasty stuff that US businesses are putting into what we eat.. and keep it in one place, neatly ‘encapsulated!’ Lot of people don’t know this, but there is a 1% chance that there are some malignant cells deep inside a fibroid.. How do I know this? Because precisely the day I had the doctor’s appt to find my fibroid was the day my closest friend who was already hospitalized got the death sentence: most aggressive form of Uterine cancer called Sarcoma and was given days to weeks to months to live. She died within a week. Please take note: she did not have an uterus! She had had a hysterectomy 6 years ago using a procedure which is still allowed on the market albeit with an FDA warning called Uterine Power Morcellation – where the Uterus is ‘morcellated’ before it is suctioned off allowing for super fast recovery. Please read up so we become better informed women.
    Yet a fibroid is still seen medically as benign and ‘safe’ because on the outside it is in fact benign.
    For this reason, I wanted to opt against hysterectomy ie complete removal of the uterus. If my “catchall” is removed, where will my potentially malignant cancer cells deposit themselves? Who will encapsulate them inside my body for me and keep them from growing out of control? etc etc..
    I just recently moved to Europe and after much contemplation (and unbearable bleeding with humungous clots – thankfully not so much pain) I’m going to have them removed. But here, I am given the option of either a hysterectomy or a myectomy, although they seem to *prefer* the hysterectomy. I asked why.. I think from what I was told, it is easier to be 100% sure that they removed the whole can of worms without opening it..
    But until “they” know what the true cause of fibroids are, I want to keep my uterus in case in needs it for future unwanted growths!
    My family was already wheat and dairy free, all organic and it drove me totally nuts to constantly on the watch! Now we live in a country where I can feel the noticeable different in food and allergens! My son who used to be asthmatic with even the slightest infusion of wheat or milk based allergens.. here we are eating it everyday!! As long as it is produced/grown locally.. no imports..
    So my hope is that new fibroid growth have no reason to happen here.. but prostate cancer happens here as well (although with very poor diet), so better to let my body have all its parts! Thanks for your very thoughtful and genuine post! I hope my write up here will also give folks some perspective. Best regards,

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      January 4, 2016

      Hi Molly,

      Thank you for sharing your story! It sounds like you’ve endured much pain on various levels, and have discovered how much it’s affected your overall health. I’m glad you’ve found the method of addressing your fibroids in the way that best suits you. And, I’m sure eating well and clean will be helpful! It does not surprise me that your food allergies are less in a place where your foods are not genetically altered. Here’s to your healthy uterus!


  16. Omena
    January 23, 2016

    Peace Margarita! My name is Omena El and I too am a Holistic Practitioner and Nutritional Cook. My company delivers food to mothers after giving birth. I am truly thankful for your share via this blog post. I concur with your perspective on calling myself a healer and also explain to my clients that they are in control of how well they recover. I am currently experiencing a missed pregnancy and recently discovered that 7 more fibroids have appeared inside the inner lining of my uterus. Some are small and others are huge. In addition to this, my partner and I experienced another missed pregnancy back in late August and I got a DnC in early September which I was very reluctant to having. For starters, I live a very healthy lifestyle which is void of consuming drugs of any sort and surgery. But the fetus did not leave my body off of the natural remedies I used. Moving along, it was during the previous miscarriage that I discovered from a sonogram that I had 3 fibroids. I was extremely shocked and automatically begin to think about what thoughts I was holding emotionally that brought on the fibroids. I figured it was anger. I’d been extremely stressed before I got pregnant with my family/living situation at my parents house. I also was in a fairly new relationship with my current partner, and my business was flopping. I wasn’t making any money. However, I was in a business training course for people wanting to start a food business and this course as well as other vital business documents were paid for by the program. So that was a major burden off of the stressI was experiencing during the previous pregnancy. I also had a great doctor and staff that handled me and my Guy with delicacy and care. Though we weren’t planning on trying to concieve anytime soon, I became pregnant 3 months later. This go round I was more calm and even worked on mending some of the toxic relationships I was having with my parents. My goal before entering the new year was to learn how to master unconditional love for my self, daughter, family, and my partner. There was nevertheless, fear still surrounding the start up of my food business and currently I am implementing a menu to feed my mind some gourmet menral food. I just discovered your blog when I typed in google the spiritual causes of uterine fibroids. Mine are internal and yesterday while doing more research I just learned about a new non invasive surgery called ExAblate which is done by going through a MRI scan face down on tummy while a heat intense ultrasound burns the fibroids away. I’m thinking about it but also read on another site that there has not been enough research done in if it effects a woman from becoming pregnant which Iam still open to, but I am going to need for my partner and I to start using condoms after I go through passing the fetus and healing my womb for a few weeks. I really found solace in your post and relate a lot to your same sentiments and concerns. I can say that creatively I am stifled with my new Food biz start up. Worried about having enough money, being organized, and getting clients. But doing the daily mental food exercises along with reading many spiritual law of attraction books are helping. I also meditate every day but realize my faith in Spirit taking care of me no matter what has been wavering. I hope to stay connected to you via the blog and I did sign up for your guided meditation
    Until The Next Discovery

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      January 26, 2016

      Greetings, Omena,

      Thank you for the service you provide to new mothers after giving birth! Such a needed resource, especially in our Metro area!

      I appreciate you sharing your story, and am sorry to hear of your missed pregnancy and additional fibroids. Hopefully the fibroids are not causing too much discomfort! I don’t know much about the procedure you’d mentioned, and I’m not a doctor, but any procedure done inside the womb will likely have a similar risk on a woman’s fertility whenever it comes to removing any fibroids within the uterus. Yes, lots of action in the First and Second Chakras for you! But, it sounds like you’re on your way to healing them. Feel free to check out my blog posts on the Sacral Plexus and Root Chakras, which may be helpful. Also, a great infusion you should try to heal your uterus post DnC is an infusion of red raspberry leaf and red clover. I have a blog post on how to make infusions, too.

      Healing vibes,

  17. Dana
    May 14, 2016

    WOW! So many thank yous for sharing your fibroid experience… Will read part 2 & 3. I too am a ‘healer’ & have just found out I have a large fibroid as well as very low iron… I feel like I have not been willing to ‘see’ what I needed to see until now… The birthing of ideas is sooo accurate and the manifestation of this physical condition is indeed a ‘gift’ to learn from… I could go on…
    U have helped me beyond words just from your sharing!
    Much love & health to you fellow soul! Xxxx

  18. Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
    May 14, 2016

    Hi Dana,

    I’m so glad you found my post helpful! I can imagine you are low on iron, since so much of your blood is likely going to your fibroids, as is often the case. At least now you’re on your way to healing what they are representing for you!

    Happy Healing,

  19. Brett Miller
    June 13, 2016


    I could not have come across your post at a better time. I am currently in recovery after having a very large tumor (nearly the size of a football) removed from the interior of my uterus.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. This process has caused me to look at past traumas I’ve held on to, emotional burdens I am unable to let go of and the creative process I’ve yet to really tap in to. As a yoga teacher, I’ve found that I’ve had to stand at the side, unable to teach or practice for months and it will be 6-8 more weeks before I am able to cultivate my own asana practice again.

    There is great sorrow and great healing during these moments and moreover, I hope, for myself, a great learning. I am doing what I can to combine my own recovery with the learning of the history of my body, past and some chakra work. I wondered if you had any suggestions for chakra work, or even past life work as a way to fully emotionally heal from this experience, or as a way to further my understanding of how this happens.

    Again, I am grateful for the fact that you’ve shared your journey. It is inspiring to know that this is just the beginning of something truly wonderful.


  20. Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
    June 15, 2016

    Hi Brett,

    Wow, a football-sized tumor was removed! You must feel so much lighter, in more ways than one. For chakra work, you can check out my blog post on acupuncture, healing, and reiki books. I’d also recommend doing some acupuncture for post-surgery recovery (done after stitches start to heal, and you’re up and about comfortably), and also receiving some Reiki to help you with your chakra work and release. I’m glad my post has been helpful.

    May you have a speedy recovery,

  21. Maggie Inbamuthiah
    June 20, 2016

    Dear Margarita, I am Indian. I practice Yoga and meditation regularly. I run. I am a Reiki healer. I am a vegetarian. And I have had fibroids for years. They were growing and I started massaging my tummy with sesame oil first thing in the morning and the last ultrasound confirmed that they have shrunk – my largest one by 2 cm in one year! But that came with another downside – Fibroid degenaration; long painful death of fibroids.
    As I opened this blog and started reading, tears flew out uncontrollably and I was sobbing. The pain has been going on for two weeks now and I have had to give up a lot of my favourite things and personally going through a painful phase. So all together, for some reason, reading your words let me open up my pain.
    Thank you for whatever energy you put into those words.

  22. Maggie Inbamuthiah
    June 20, 2016

    Alright, I am done sobbing and have read your whole blog. Blocking creativity is exactly what I have been feeling and I am struggling to come out and tell my husband that I want to do what I want to do. My womb is probably telling me it is time I addressed that.

    • Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
      June 21, 2016

      Hi Maggie,

      Thank you for sharing your heart here. Sounds like you’ve just shed some healing tears, opened up new venues for healing within, and have created space for new action towards what is more aligned for you. Kudos! All of your healing knowledge will come in handy as you do so.


  23. C James
    February 11, 2017

    Thank you SOOO much for sharing your wisdom; I needed desperately to hear this at this VERY moment.

  24. Caitlin
    July 15, 2017

    Hello Margarita, I found this blog post searching for “spiritual reasons for fibroids,” and I was not disappointed! Thank you for sharing this. I’m also thinking that compartmentalizing feelings and wishes and body dysmorphia regarding belly/body size comes into play for my recently diagnosed fibroids, as well as holding back on my creativity.

    Interestingly, as I was reading this and looking at your picture I thought you looked familiar. I read more about you and realized that I was working at the PCOM clinic as an office assistant while you were a student there! What a small world. You probably don’t remember me, as there are so many people in NYC/our lives/etc., but I just wanted to congratulate you on your awesome practice, your book, and your blog. It is fantastic to see a former student who is creating such a strong and beautiful path of light to share with the universe. Kudos, lady!

  25. Colleen
    August 31, 2017

    Oh my goodness! This resonated with me SO much. I literally got back from the hospital an hour ago with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids after having an extremely painful episode in my lower right abdomen. It’s so interesting to me that this occurred after a full moon lunar and new moon solar eclipse because it is now the same for me! Some serious releasing! And I even said to a friend recently that I feel creatively blocked (I’m an artist) and also have gone through a lot of releasing old relationships that were toxic to who I want to be for myself, rather than for other people. I kept getting this guided message to “forgive” but I’ve been like “HOW do I know I’ve fully forgiven? What the heck can I do to truly forgive and release my past experiences?” Well, I guess I got my answer! Here’s to a new beginning ? Hope your journey has improved beyond your wildest dreams since this post. All my love – Colleen

  26. Robin
    June 1, 2018

    I know this was written years ago, but I’m very grateful. I too am a Reiki Practitioner and a traditional medical professional. I was recently dx. With 2 large fibroids also. I’m so angry and frustrated at myself at the moment, feeling grief, but I know now this is a process. I appreciate your words and reminder that I am simply human working on healing myself also. Surgery will be in my future also but I’m not yet ready to concede to that. Blessed Be.

  27. Sandra
    March 26, 2019

    I am wondering if uterine fibroids block your chakra & the movement of energy? Mine is quite large & requires a hysterectomy for removal. I am in menopause & I can tell you they aren’t shrinking as they claim! I am not interested in surgery but do want to do some much needed healing work. What is your experience as a healer in this matter? Thank you

  28. susan
    July 20, 2019

    Thankyou Margarita

    Your story completely resonates as I also became aware of fibroids at this current July eclipse, in the middle of a great awakening to earth and mother Goddess consciousness. I believe that it’s a sign that I need to work on and clear these second chakra blockages in order to step I to my feminine power. Your story was very powerful and synchronous to me. Thankyou and the universe for the blessings of awareness you have provided.

  29. Maya
    August 2, 2019

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey and insights. I am 2 weeks away from a hysterectomy for a supernova sized fibroid…12cm that is causing immense pain. I have started what would be my last period today and I have been considering all the metaphysical reasons for uterine fibroids. All that you mentioned hit home and is going to give me alot to think about on a deeper and more transitional and transformative level. I too am a healer that due to financial reasons have had to close up my practice temporarily. I have struggled with issues of motherhood and fertility having always wanted children and having had to ‘sacrifice’ that for a relationship. And to add to the pile of issues, I am unable to express my sexuality and womanhood…my husband does not enjoy sexual intimacy…at all. So, all of this and most likely much more if one takes into account other relationships and other lifetimes of issues wrapped up into one huge karmic bundle of not so much joy. My doctor suggested giving it a name…I laughed at the idea of it…but thinking about it now, it makes a strange kind of sense…perhaps it’s the pain muddling my brain but I would in a way be ‘giving birth’ to tnis physical manifestation of emotional pain in order to let it go on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels…once and hopefully for all.
    Thank you again. I trust you are well and happy and Healing

  30. Sally
    August 6, 2019

    Pardon the book I am about to write but I need to get this out. Pun intended ;p

    I would like to take a moment to say thank you to my body for physically expelling its disease. My uterus knew that that fibroid did not belong there and was not welcome, she bowed down to push out the endometrial envader. She opened to allow it to pass through. The only thing she couldn’t do was sever the ties it had on her. Thank you Dr Vargas for severing her ties. She is free now, unburdened and light as air.

    I have been struggling with major pain and heavy bleeding for over two years now. It took many appointments, ultrasounds, hospital visits, D&C’s, gynecologists to even determine what the problem was. Apparently this fibroid hides in Ultrasounds and can only be seen in MRI.

    My gynocologist informed me after my MRI a few weeks ago that the fibroid was inoprable without hysterectomy. I was struggling with the idea of cutting my uterus out, I love her and respect her for all she has done for me. I was determined to attack this thing nutritionally and spiritually because I was not ready to lose my uterus. I consciously decided to send my uterus love and healing energy.

    A few days ago, during the sunset, when the full moon was rising, I was attending a hot yoga class pouring my energy into sweating out toxins. Towards the end of my class I felt what I can only explain as a sensation of my uterus tearing apart or turning inside out. It felt like a fire burning. I went straight home and wound up having excruciating cramps that felt like labor for 5hours. I was moaning and swaying just like we do to cope in natural labor. Right when I was about to call it and go to the hospital it suddenly stopped.

    Apparently the tearing feeling was my uterus being weighed down by the heavy fibroid in her fundus. She was folding into herself. Then when the fibroid hit my cervix she began to contract to let the monster out. Once she made it to 5cm the body of the fibroid sat for days until I recognized what was happening.

    It took some major work to get ER doctors to believe me about what was happening. They were incredibly confused about how I could possibly know so much detail about what was happening in my own body. I was disrespected, lied to, traumatized a couple times and allowed to sit and suffer. I am not angry, I am proud because I believe I taught many nurses, PAs, and doctors how to be kind, how to listen, how to ask. I actually have empathy for them and send them love and healing light.

    I am going home now feeling healthy and overjoyed. I am so thankful for all your support and kind words during the last few days.

  31. Tesa
    August 11, 2019

    Thank you for sharing your story. As a healer/intuitive/psychic I have been struggling with why I created my current uterine fibroid, which measures 20 cm in diameter. I was shocked yet felt validated about the news which happened at a pre-employment screening. It explains my pain, nerve issues, and high blood pressure. I have worked hard to shed the past and all the trauma from my past, then when I finally did, the mass came forward. I am thankful to hear stories like yours which mimic my feeling that this mass is simply shedding all past hurts and pains, to be able to move forward and birth new ideas, as you stated. Releasing of the old and starting fresh through my choice of surgery will be so helpful to be able to move forward. I’ve noticed my efforts to move forward are continuously ceased and put to a stop, which makes me all the more aware of the readiness to shed this mass, which houses anger and pain from old hurts and traumas. I think your story was able to put works toy current situation and feelings about it, which helps me to feel more validated. I’m working on increasing my self-confidence in my own gifts and choices, you have helped me to see more of this, which is tremendously healing. Thank you!

  32. Sushma
    August 26, 2019

    Thank you for sharing your fibroid experience..

    My story is a bit similar and a bit different. I had heavy bleeding for two years, my gyn always said it’s inflammation and normal in mid to late thirties. I found out that I have a medium sized fibroid, and the doc offered hysterectomy as I am not planning to have any more kids. Next day, I was visiting a homeopath for knee pain and was intuitively guided to take my uterine ultrasound report with me.

    Interestingly the homeopathic doctor advised there are multiple medications in homeopathy for healing small to medium fibroids..he prescribed, Sabina, Fraxinus Americana as well as Cimcifuga. He mentioned that these medications do not exist in normal medicine, hence they take out Uterus. He said there is a very high probability for the symptoms to disappear in 2 months and fibroid to disappear anywhere between 6 to 18 months..

    My bleeding came down significantly the next month.. hoping fibroids will disappear soon..

    Giving this info out for all those interested in alternate therapies..

  33. Dara
    September 7, 2019

    I have been on this journey to shrink and remove my fibroids. I do not want to go thru surgery and was told that surgery was the only option since my fibroids are large. I believe in self healing and energy chakra work. I know I have tons of inner work to do. Your blog is helping me.

    May 22, 2021

    Thank you for sharing your story! Two weeks and two days after I went through with Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, I had complications, started hemorrhaging, and had to have emergency surgery; I was treated for Vaginal Cuff Dehiscence. I started doing research into the meaning of why I had fibroids, what the burning feeling in my now abdominal cavity meant, and what the correlation, if any, is to stress and fibroids. What I found is very interesting. I have been suffering on-going workplace stress in the form of discrimination for the past several years and realized that my symptoms started months after prolonged periods of harassment in the workplace. I have been employed with the company for 10 years May 18 2021. I have been blackballed and my current manager is on a mission to terminate my employment and I can prove it is not due to incompetence. Hence, the dead end job. It was bittersweet learning the reason for the burning feeling I feel where my uterus used to be…This is my life force, my energy, where things are created…and I did not understand why I was so emotional (post surgery) and why I felt a burning in my “womb.” When I started doing some research and read about the second chakra and what we hold on this energy field, my life started to make sense. Ironically, when I started working at UPS my goal upon employment was to earn the money I needed to fund courses to learn Reiki so that I could learn to heal seniors and cancer patients. I stayed employed with UPS and tried to advance bc I saw the benefits and opportunities to earn a very nice income. I figured I would give back to the community in other ways although it deviated from my original plan to become a “healer.” Instead of healing others, I undertook prolonged periods of stress and stayed in an environment that ultimately led to my own suffering and now having to heal myself. This has been a VERY eye opening experience. Thank you for sharing your story!

  35. Suresh
    February 14, 2022

    Nice! The information I got through this blog has really helped me. That was something, I was desperately looking for, thankfully I found this at the right time.


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