Crystals for the Resistance
Some people dismiss crystal lovers as those lost to new age mumbo jumbo, who hang out in shindigs in the desert, never wash their hair, and aren’t in touch with reality.
Although crystal lovers certainly come in all shapes and sizes, you might be surprised at how woke we actually are!
In fact, younger folks, who are awakening much more quickly than the generation before them (who’ve energetically paved the way, so following generations could take root more easily), are also loving stones!
Even my radiant three-year-old niece was checking out my traveling altar crystals, one day, smothering them with her adorable, drool-laden fingers.
I asked her which one she liked the most, and she picked up my amethyst point. “This one, ” she said.
Aw, yeah. Amethyst. The gateway crystal!
When people first open up to their crystal allies, they are often drawn first to amethyst, with it’s calming energy, intuition-building properties, and psychic protection.
Yes, crystals are beautiful. But, did you know that, depending on how you use them, they can help you move through trauma, fear, inner resistance to healing, heartbreak, and help strengthen you when you feel weak?
And, during these political times, when many of us are getting triggered into action, getting woke AF, and needing outlets for stress as we build to create and manifest the reality that we really want, we are finding that there are many tools with which to help us manage stress, trauma, anxiety, and sustain ourselves in ways that allow us to rejuvenate and heal, so that we may move forward in the ways that speak to us most.
Some of these tools are:
- Making sure we get enough rest
- Eating in ways that sustain our body, mind, and spirit
- Checking in with ourselves through mindfulness and/or meditation
- Taking a social media fast (or at least, limiting it to an hour or two each day, rather than surfing through it throughout the day)
- Saying “no” more often (yes, I’m speaking to you overcommitted types, holla!)
- Receiving holistic healthcare (like acupuncture, Reiki, other energy healing modalities, shamanic work, massage, chiropractic adjustments, nutritional counseling, etc.)
- Getting in some physical activity to release stress
- Remembering to connect with, and laugh with, loved ones (satisfying belly laughs are encouraged during trying times)
- Cultivating a higher vibration
- Gathering your plant, essential oil, and crystal allies
In this post, I’m going to focus on the best crystals that any self-respecting warrior of light can use to help themselves heal, rejuvenate, release stress and anxiety, get some sleep, and help themselves practice quality self-care before they bring power to the people.
What are the best crystals for the resistance?
Howlite. I like to lovingly call this my “calm my ass down” stone. Because it does exactly that. It’s composition of basic calcium silico-borate speaks to the calcium in our bones, so it creates a very visceral reaction in our bodies. It’s white with black vein-like streaks. It quells stress and rage. It helps us calmly communicate, and it’s genius to hold it in the left hand when trying to get to sleep at night if we are having insomnia because we can’t calm down or stop thinking (if you’re a highly sensitive insomniac, check these options out, too.) It can also help balance calcium levels in the body, and can be used in disorders of the teeth, bone structure, and soft tissues.
Amethyst. As my joyous niece exhibited, Amethyst is often one of the first stones which people are first attracted to when working with the mineral kingdom. It resonates with the Third Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras (the Etheric Chakra is a not-as-talked-about chakra that is located above the head). It is purifying, highly protective (especially against psychic attacks), helps you connect to the Divine (which is important when you’re trying to get in touch with higher states of consciousness so you can be more mindful about what you want to create in life), promotes your intuition (so you may align more greatly in your knowing), and is a great sobriety stone (to assist with quitting drinking, drug use, smoking, and other vices). It acts as an energetic shield, and helps clear your energy field of negative attachments.
Black Tourmaline. Hella protective stone. That’s my official scientific assessment. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll notice that I’m always bringing up Black Tourmaline, because it has saved my ass many a time when dealing with toxic folk, and it has helped me greatly as an empath living in the hustle and bustle of one of the most metropolitan cities in the world, where many people’s energies are swirling around and interacting with each other on a regular basis. It is a staple in my crystal ally collection, and it helps protect me during some of the more intense healing treatments I perform, when there are negative energies and attachments that are releasing during a session. Although there are many protective stones out there, this one is the premier one for me. And, it’s very grounding, to boot! (For more resources on what you can do when dealing with negative energy, check out my blog post on dealing with psychic vampires, here.)
Blue Lace Agate. If you ever feel like you’re not being heard, or feel like it’s difficult to articulate what you want to say, Blue Lace Agate’s your jam. It helps you speak your highest truth with others, opening and strengthening the Throat Chakra. When you’re working to bring forth the kind of reality you want to see in the world, communicating with the power of your consciousness is important. It’s been called “the stone of the diplomat”, because it helps you speak in a way that others can hear. It has a blue and white lace pattern. It can also help remove blockages from the nervous system, and can help strengthen the skeletal structure in cases of arthritic conditions.
Rhodonite. There are many love stones that are the great for the Heart Chakra. But, Rhodonite is great for when you already know what your gifts are, and want to use them for the benefit of the community. It generates an outer-directed love, and acts as a catalyst for us to fulfill our life’s purpose, through the expression of our hidden gifts. It resonates at both the Heart Chakra and Root Chakra, so we can be in touch with our self-love, purpose, and groundedness. It’s usually a darker pink with black veins running through it. It allows us to be in touch with the altruistic parts of ourselves.
Carnelian. The premier stone to activate the Sacral Plexus Chakra, this stone powerfully assists us when we need to take major action and “take the leap” on a new path. It helps the creative expression inherent in the Sacral Plexus Chakra, which is important when we are trying to create new strategies and learning how to express it into the world. This stone also fortifies and strengthens the physical body, since it enhances our life-force energy, or Qi, which is important when it comes to the endurance needed to run the course when creating resistance work. When we want to manifest our highest goals and dreams, Carnelian is an important ally to have.
Fluorite. This crystal comes in many shades, from pink, blue, green, yellow, purple, magenta, red, black, and colorless. It comes in many shades, but throws none. It helps promote unbiased, detached reasoning in situations that can be charged, and where we need to be more objective. This can be very helpful when trying to get down to the facts (not alternative ones). It helps us see truth behind the smoke screen, and acts like a psychic vacuum cleaner of sorts, when we are feeling cluttered. It resonates with all chakras, and can resonate with specific ones, depending on their color.
These are only a select few of the numerous helpful allies in the mineral kingdom!
For methods on how to use crystals, read my primer, “Crystal Work: How To Use Your Crystals“.
And, for more info on the best crystals to use for specific chakras, check out my new book, Chakra Healing: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras.
What are you favorite healing stones to work with during trying times?
Please share them in the comments below, I’d love to know!
With much love,
P.S. Did you know that you can find me on social media? Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!
My first-ever book, A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras, will be hot off the presses on Valentine’s Day, 2/14/2017, and is already available for pre-order on Amazon here!
In this book, I share some of the knowledge that I’ve only been sharing with my patients in my private practice here in New York City. Meant to be a primer book on chakra healing, chakra newbies can enjoy learning about the chakras in a clear way from a Reiki Master/Teacher who’s been practicing Reiki for 12 years, and those with advanced knowledge can use this book as a refresher or reference.
I am incredibly grateful that I get to share this book with you! It has truly been a work of love. <3
Pre-order my book on Amazon >> here <<, and if you’d like to leave a review of the book, email me to find out how to get your digital copy when the book launches!
Copyright © 2017 by Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
All information on this website is my own opinion, and not to be taken as medical advice. Reliance on any information provided on this website is solely at your own risk. Please refer to your medical practitioner before making any medical decisions.
June 29, 2017Fantastic posts! Stumbled across your website by accident, and everything you’ve written that I’ve read so far resonates with me COMPLETELY! Thank you for helping me discover myself!
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
June 30, 2017Hi Adanna,
I’m so glad that you’ve found my posts helpful on your journey! May what you uncover within give you joy, and may the things that need to be transformed be transmuted with ease.
June 12, 2018I found your website by searching a certain spirit sign. I have found your articles to be inspiring. I was disappointed in your verbiage “resistance” Many spreading love and light, working positive constructs. Find, disengaging, delegitimization millions of our brothers and sisters for speaking their truth. We are engaging in something very very harmful. My guides are constantly reminding me the dangers that low vibrations have on the planet. We ARE going through a huge planetary shift of love and light. “Woke” millennials like Candace Owens are “illuminating the collective consciousness “ Our job as projectors of love and light is to do just that. By changing the divisive rhetoric of the past and getting back to individualism we can really begin to lift each other and the planet.