Are You Receiving A Sign? 10 Ways To Know When The Universe Is Trying To Tell You Something
My patients often wonder if what they’re experiencing is coincidence, or a sign from the Universe. Can you tell the difference?
There are no coincidences. But, many of us chalk things up to serendipity, good luck, bad luck, or some other randomness.
But, what I’ve learned from the Universe is that it never works randomly, and thoughts become things.
Sometimes we ask for a sign to help us with a certain situation or challenge. We can ask this of the Universe, our Spirit Guides, Angels, or whomever/whatever you look towards for Light guidance. Then we wait. And, sometimes we wait some more. Are you missing the signs?
And, before we even identify the signs, themselves, ask yourself first – am I open to receiving the message?
Because, oftentimes, due to possible disconnection from self, our fears of what the outcome may be, or just getting caught up in life, we miss or disregard the guidance we are given.
Some things to keep in mind when asking for a sign
When we ask for guidance, are our parameters too strict? Are we expecting instant results?
Here are some pointers when asking for a sign:
- Give a certain time frame: Sometimes we want instant results, and expect a dramatic instant epiphany like celestial rays bursting forth 5 minutes after asking for a sign! Sometimes signs can indeed come that quickly (though often less dramatically!) But what is actually more realistic, especially for more challenging issues, is that we often need to give a few days for the Universe to work its magic. And you can ask for that in your request. For instance, if you’re asking for a sign in the beginning of the week, you could say something to the effect of, “Please give me a sign by midnight this Saturday.”
- Ask to notice it beyond the shadow of a doubt: Because we sometimes like to rationalize things away, we need to make it very clear to the Universe that signs be very obvious. For instance, you could ask that the sign you receive is noticeable to you, beyond the shadow of a doubt.
- Ask to notice it a specific number of times: I know some people who use this technique. I, myself, do this once and a while, too. Sometimes, I’ll ask my Spirit Guides to please give me a sign three times, so that I can be sure it’s coming from them. You can use this instead of #2, above, if you like.
- Be open: After asking for a sign, make sure that you are open to receiving the message. Keep your eyes peeled, and your senses open, so you can make sure that you’re noticing them when they come!
Are you receiving a sign? Here are 10 ways to know when the Universe is trying to tell you something:
Repeating numbers: Do you keep catching the clock at 11:11am/pm, or see “111” on signs or billboards? Oftentimes, repeating numbers can tell you a lot. From repeating 1’s, to 2’s, to 3’s, and beyond! For instance, when I was making a decision about my fibroids, I got a clear sign about the number 555. My Spirit Guides told me to make a mental note of that number, and to look it up. Which I did. Apparently, 555 is all about breaking out of your chrysalis, and letting you know that major life changes are ahead. If you are seeing repeating numbers all around you, check out Google University and look up “Angel Numbers”. There’s a reason you’re seeing these numbers!
Songs: If you are clairaudient, you may receive signs through sound, such as music or by hearing a word or phrase. If that’s the case, you may hear a song in your head first thing in the morning, or you may discover that it’s on repeat in your head. Or, you may only hear a certain line in the song, and then discover that it’s totally relevant to the issue at hand. Before I became a healer by trade, I was in the music business, and music was my world. Because of this, I have many songs filed in my head that pop up at very opportune times! Keep in mind that the song or music you’re hearing is because it makes sense to you, and the song may hold emotion for you. Pay attention to the what that particular song brings up for you. Is it a sad reminder? Does it make you feel joyous? Sometimes the way this repetitive song makes you feel, in addition to the words, is the sign, itself. Just start noticing what comes up for you, and with practice, you’ll start noticing how you are hearing your guidance.
Printed Words, Images, or Visuals: If you are clairvoyant, and tend to be more visual, you may take more notice of certain visuals, words, or images around you. One game I like to play with myself, just to strengthen this gift, is to ask a question of my Spirit Guides when I’m taking a walk. And, then keep my senses open to see what I notice. I may see a certain billboard, a piece of graffiti/street art, a certain flower, a type of bird flying by (look up the symbolism of that bird, as there are many things our animal guides tell us!), or a visual that seems out of place. It’s a fun game that always turns up an interesting answer to my question! If you are noticing (seeing or reading) any words, images, or visuals (which can include dreams, as well) that are popping out at you, especially if they’re repeating, it is definitely a sign to heed!
Repeating events: If you find yourself repeating events in your life, that is a true tell sign that there is something you have to notice and learn before moving on from it! This can be one of those more long-term signs from the Universe, such as when you’re repeating: abusive relationships, unhealthy life patterns, finding yourself stuck in a job that reminds you of the one you’d just left, and the list could go on! Instead of going into victimization mode (“Why is the Universe punishing me??”), take this opportunity to take a mental inventory of what it is you need to discover and heal, so that you may move on from it.

A feather I found on my way to the office one day.
Feathers: Feathers can be a sign from our animal totems, or taken as a sign from our Angels. Although Angels don’t need wings to fly, they do know that we identify them as having wings, in art and literature, and other media representations, so they use symbolisms we can understand. There is a saying, “When angels are near, feathers appear.” I found one, myself, just a few weeks ago, during a time that I really needed to remember that my Angels were with me (even though I didn’t know I needed it at the time.) Note the color of the feather, because even the colors have meaning. I have friends who have animal totems, or guides, in the form of birds. One identifies with the owl, another with a falcon. When you find a feather, and know what bird it came from, look up the symbolism for that animal guide. It will tell you something about what issue you’re seeking knowledge about.
Finding objects: Sometimes it happens where we find an object that we’ve been looking for, and it’s laying right there out in the open. It’s often what we associate with the object, that is meaningful. Was it a ring that was passed down as an heirloom from your grandmother? An object given to you by a long lost friend you may need to reconnect with? Or maybe you’re walking down down the street, or a trail, and you discover something along the way that is either out of the ordinary, or something you find meaningful. Instead of paying it no mind, notice what it may be trying to tell you.
Smells: Familiar scents can often link us to the answer we’re searching for. And, usually, it’s a reminder of someone, or of an emotion it evokes. Perhaps it’s the scent of the perfume your grandmother used to wear, seemingly out of the blue, in a place that is unlikely to carry that scent. Or the smell of a flower that takes you back to a certain memory, one that needs to be remembered and considered, and possibly pertaining to your question you’d made to the Universe. Again, it’s not how popular knowledge would take it, but what this personally means to you.
Feelings: If you are clairsentient, you pick up your knowledge through feeling. When you ask your question that you want an answer to, do you feel it in your gut? Do you have a general feeling of unease, or do you suddenly feel a sense of energy flow to the possibility you’ve asked about? Sometimes your body will have a specific reaction. Notice if there is any tension in any part of your body, in relation to the issue at hand. Is your neck starting to tense up, indicating possible blockage in the Throat Chakra, and feeling challenged about speaking your truth? Are your jaws starting to clench, indicating that your Liver Qi is getting stagnated, and you need to de-stress? Listen to your body. It may have a lot to tell you!
Repeating obstacles: This is somewhat related to repeating events. When we experience obstacles in our lives, sometimes these are just part of life, and an indication to get creative, up our game, or take a different approach/make a different choice. But, when we continually receive the same obstacle, that is a clear sign that something needs to be re-evaluated! Are you feeling blocked when it comes to love, work, money, or otherwise? What is it telling you, and what do you need to notice and heal, so that you remove yourself from the mire?
Triggered memories: When certain memories are triggered, in response to a question we put out there to receive guidance on, those memories become our sign. Sometimes it’s a memory of something you don’t want to recreate in your life. Perhaps it’s a feeling that you miss, that you need to cultivate now. Or maybe it’s the memory of someone who made you feel a certain way, or who you need to forgive, or move away from. Whatever this memory is for you, and what meaning it holds, is very singular to you. It’s up to you to decipher the message. It may be easy enough to do so. But, if you’re having some difficulty, ask your Spirit Guides if what you’re picking up is the answer to your question. You may either hear/feel/see/know a “yes” or “no”. If the answer isn’t immediate, understand that the question either needs more time, or that something else still needs to play out.
Because the Universe has cosmic ears, know that you will always be heard. (Click to Tweet)
What is your favorite way of picking up on signs from the Universe?
Or, have you had an amazing experience receiving your sign(s)?
NOTE: Rather than leave questions here about your situation, I recommend that you get activated into your Divine Power so that you’re open to, and trust, the Power of your Intuition, so that you can trust the signs you’re being given. To learn how to get activated into your power, send me an email here!
With cosmic love,
Copyright © 2015 by Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
All information on this website is my own opinion, and not to be taken as medical advice. Reliance on any information provided on this website is solely at your own risk. Please refer to your medical practitioner before making any medical decisions.
September 23, 2015Hi Margarita, Thank you for this timely post! I have been encountering A LOT of feathers over the past year. I resisted believing they were signs thinking, “Well, there are birds flying overhead all the time and they shed feathers like we shed hair so how special can this be?” My doubt persisted even though friends said they never saw feathers. Most recently and on separate occasions, there was a feather stuck on my windshield, one stuck on my driver’s side door, and one stuck on the hood. They stuck even as I drove 70mph! I also started seeing feathers indoors – at work, at home, in the library. Your post helps me to let go of the doubt. It is incredibly grounding to recognize that I have angels and ancestors around me, supporting me, especially in light of being so disconnected from family elders due to my parents’ being orphaned and their eventual immigration to the US. Because of your post, I also looked up the symbolism and learned that feathers symbolize spiritual evolution, transformation, ascension, speed, lightness. I am definitely evolving and this type of confirmation is empowering. Thank you, Margarita, for mediating this experience by sharing your knowledge through your blog. May you be blessed as you bless others. Lorna
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
September 24, 2015Hi Lorna,
Aren’t finding feathers in unexpected places wonderful? Especially when you need the reminder? Yes, feathers symbolize so many things. Perhaps this is symbolism for you that you’re taking flight! I’m glad you found this post helpful.
September 24, 2015Hi Margarita, Yes it is! I saw another feather today on the walk to work and I needed it! I really love the perspective of the feathers meaning “taking flight!” Wow, that is powerful and a wonderful way to reframe my current station. Thank you!!! Blessings back
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
September 24, 2015Hi Lorna,
Sounds like you “taking flight” really resonates for you! And from what you were telling me recently, it seems you’re doing exactly that.
In light,
Zarinah Howard
August 18, 2018Hello Margarita I was wondering if I could get some insight on somethings. For about a few months I have been seeing hearing and noticing alot of things but not being able to decipher what exactly the universe is telling me through these things. For instance with animals, cats dogs insects etc. tend to gravitate toward me alot and they tend to be the first thing I notice or see. Its like I feel like I am connected with everything around me on a energy level. The main thing is that lately I have been picking up on everyone energy so much that its hard to focus on what they are saying because i am so distracted by their energy. Any thought????
Soorath M G
May 24, 2018All these happend
December 26, 2020Hi Margarita,
Loved reading your blog! I’ve been looking for someone who can help me decipher signs from Universe. Glad to have come across your blog. I am seeing Angel Numbers consistently from the last 6 months. I started noticing some patterns every time I checked time in my mobile phone. For example, 11:11,12:12, 3:33, 4:55, 8:38 etc Initially I thought I am overthinking and it is only because I am checking my phone all the time.
But, my doubt got confirmed when I went outstation 3 months ago with my family. I noticed three different vehicles with 1111, 111, 1111 on their number plates in a single day. I knew it was no coincidence and I still see Angel numbers on mobile phone, number plates, bills, amounts, messages etc. Initially, I use to see 1111, 111, 12:12 a lot. Now I see other numbers too like 222, 333,10:10, 777, 555, etc.
After I started seeing Angel numbers. I got a new direction in my life. I am not content with my progress though.
It would be great if you can guide me on this. I am not able to decipher the meaning of this Angel numbers as it keeps changing.
Once again, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and knowledge.
kristie Alcantara
October 5, 2015Hello it’s crazy I saw your name on a n article and looked you up and found what I needed. It brought tears to my eyes. I’m 28 and my mom died almost 6 months ago and I miss her like crazy and I was angry because I couldn’t see signs that she was with me and then I found a white feather a few days ago . And I also keep finding pennies in the strangest places. I’m ready to begin a new journey and I am open to learn all about my guides and my angels . I knew my mom would never leave me what a feeling.. thank you from the bottom of my heart
kristie Alcantara
October 5, 2015I forgot to mention it was my birthday September 29th and I woke up so sad and as walking my son to school I found that white feather I ignored it walked home went to work came home and went looking to see of the feather was still there and it was .. I know now that it was my mom letting me know she was with me on my birthday. .. that’s always been our special day … and my sister keeps getting butterflies. .. the universe is an amazing thing
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
October 6, 2015Hi Kristie,
I’m liking that last name; but, then again, perhaps I’m a bit biased! It’s never coincidence when we find our signs. Sounds like you are now opening up to the ones you are given, and to receiving the wisdom they have. Congratulations on your new discovery! And, no, our loved ones never leave us.
kristie Alcantara
October 9, 2015Why thank you ! I love my name and it’s meanings… the funny part is I rarely meet someone with our last name.. we are unique
.. I’m so open to all these new ideas and experiences I’ve had the only problem is I don’t know where to begin. I would love to take a bus trip to meet you and get some healing and ask you lots of questions. . Just being honest… I know I need to release the pain I’m feeling and open up to the blessings in my life .. pharaoh 6 kairo 3 and derick 15 he’s my brother !!! Please guide me in the right direction or maybe you know some good books Thank you .. kristie Alcantara
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
October 9, 2015Hi Kristie,
You may want to check out my post, “My Top 8 Books On Acupuncture, Reiki, And Intuition For Newbies” (use the search tool in the right column of this screen for easy access).
Jackie Rubin
February 25, 2016Hi.
I have asked for signs after going through an unwanted divorce. I have had three fires in the last couple months, two of which were bizarre and have cost me money to repair damage. I believe these are signs trying to tell me something but can’t figure out what it means. I need to figure it out because I can’t have any more fires and the cost associated with them. Any suggestions? Thank you, Jackie
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
February 25, 2016Hi Jackie,
Wow, those are some potent lessons! I don’t blame you for wanting to figure out the meaning without additional damage. What struck me first about what you’d described was that fires are all consuming, leaving (forcing) you to detach from certain personal possessions. I don’t know the background of how/what was damaged, which would also be meaningful. But, I would venture to guess that, outside of being even more careful about possible fire hazards, you might need to explore moving through any anger, rage, and resentment, and re-evaluate any attachments that may be misplaced.
Good luck to you!
February 27, 2016Hi Margarita,
I don’t know how appropriate this is going to be to your article, because my thoughts are all over the place and I’ve been very confused lately. I am having a very troubling time understanding any signs from the universe recently. In mid January I had a severe pain and had to go to the hospital. They found nothing at all, and as they were examining me, the pain went away and has not returned. A few days later I had to put my beloved dog down. It was unexpected, he hadn’t been sick for even 24 hours. The following week I found out that my 92 year old grandmother was diagnosed with congenital heart failure and wasn’t given much time. She is now in hospice care. Another week later one of my oldest and dearest friends passed away suddenly due to a drug overdose. A few weeks later, my Aunt was diagnosed with lung cancer. Because of such patterns I fear that there is another death around the corner. I am having a great deal of trouble with my faith in the universe. Everything I believed not a couple of months ago seems to be shaken. I want to have faith, but part of me is questioning all of my beliefs. I have been working on writing a novel, very slowly, with a great deal of difficulty (as I am not college educated and have never written anything of this length and depth). I do not intend for fame or fortune or for being an author to be my career -this one story simply, has always felt like my purpose. I have always been introverted, a “shut-in” and self-focused. Writing this story has taken those aspects of me to a new level. Now I fear that my focusing so intently on myself and my dream has caused the universe to interfere and try to catch my attention, telling me to leave my dream behind and focus on the people in my life, rather than myself. In part that makes me feel like this I all MY fault, simply by existing and needing these lessons. (That alone has shaken my faith). Your article said that memories can serve as a sign. As I read that, my first memory of when I was not yet 2 years old surfaced. I was outside with my twin sister. I had found a large rock and picked it up. Proud of my strength I went to get my mother to show her what I could do. In our own language I told my sister not to pick up the rock while I was gone (she remembers this as clearly as I do, though we weren’t ablet to sat many words at the time). When we returned, she had done the opposite of what I told her, and she had dropped the rock on her tow, making it bleed and leading la tee to the loss of her toenail. This particular memory got me to think to heat perhaps the universe is trying to tell me that focusing on my abilities, my goals, is hurting the people I love. I suppose I am asking for your opinion on all of this. My soul is rather lost these days, between losing faith in my faith and not knowing how to read the signs of the universe. Over the last year or so I’ve been learning to accept and work toward my truth. I thought my truth was writIng this story, in hopes of helping some of the people in the world in some small but meaningful way. Now I am so uncertain if I should accept my truth and follow my dream, or let it go. I’m so afraid to continue writing, because I fear someone else I love will get hurt. Thank you for any input you might. I’m sorry to be so heavy, and to mention so much. I am just so very desperate for some wisdom and perspective. I hope you are well.
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
February 28, 2016Hi Jocelyn,
First of all, thank you for trusting myself and my readers with your story. I’m sorry to hear of all the pain you’ve been experiencing.
I am noticing that you seem to take ownership for the actions of others, and what they choose to do in their lives. Your first memory that you mention is meaningful. Sounds like you haven’t healed that moment you’d experienced with your sister, when she chose to do an action you had cautioned her not do, and you may be continuing with a pattern of self-punishment as a result. Forgive yourself for this (please check out my post, “How Forgiving Yourself Is The Ultimate Form Of Self-Love (And How To Do It)”. Allow yourself to heal and move on, and only own the actions that YOU do, not what others do. Make sense?
People choosing to leave this plane is something their Spirit decides when it’s time, not because you want to follow your dream.
As for following your dream? FOLLOW IT. Your dream is a reflection of your Heart and Spirit, and must be acknowledged.
In light,
April 2, 2016Hi, I have recently lost 3 pair of glasses , I’ve never lost any in the past. Could this be a message, if so..what? At one time I was losing my house keys and my late sister told I needed to move. Sure enough, 2 months later I did and was very happy. If there’s something I’m not ‘seeing’ , what could it be?
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
April 4, 2016Hi Cindy,
Thanks for your inquiry! This is something that you need to further look into, and see what meaning you are attaching to losing your glasses. Maybe you do, indeed, need to “look further” into a situation. Or, it could be a sign that you may not need to symbolically “see” in order to trust and move forward on an issue at hand. You might want to do a meditation and quiet your mind, and really look into what you are/are not seeing, or if you are not trusting your vision. Your Third Eye wisdom may be speaking to you.
Good luck!
May 11, 2016I love this article!
Have been asking for a sign. Currently sorting through layers of life. Your article gave me chills. For one, synchronicity, synchronicity. By simply typing in to google search, and following my gut, this article comes. For instance, the audio in one of my other tabs matched up exactly with my pace of reading the page, and said exactly what was on the page. Beyond the fact that there is no randomness in the universe, humans are gifted, in that we can interact directly with the forces of creation. Your article guided me, and it opened my eyes to the diversity of my talents. I am gifted on all three counts :clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. Going back to work now, in amazement and peace.
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
May 11, 2016Hi Lydia,
I’m glad you enjoyed the article! You’re absolutely right, there are no coincidences, and I’m glad you “chanced” upon my article at the time you did, and that you found it helpful. And, you’re right, as well, that we’re all gifted beings. There is also claircognizance, I wonder if that rings alive for you, too?
May 11, 2016@Margarita, Yes!!!! I have intense lucid dreams, there are both sad and happy things that I’ve dreamed and that come true, or that I just ‘know’ ect. I also have a lot of dreams that come from “outside” of my experience, or so it seems. I have had dreams of being a black man marrying his wife, or a young white male meeting his girlfriends parents for the first time, I have seen genocide, and more. However my exposure to media and external inspiration is limited, if anything completely nonexistent. Rarely do I watch movies [especially not horror]. My struggle is knowing what to do with my psychic abilities to be of service to others (and I don’t mean make a career out of it.) How in our day to day lives can psychic gifts be used to benefit others?
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
May 12, 2016Hi Lydia,
To be of service to others, using your psychic abilities, just tune into your Higher Self, and see what she has to say. You can also ask your Spirit Guides for help on giving you a sign towards next steps.
May 13, 2019Some of us, including me, search our whole lives for someone who can “help” I have spent a lot of money visiting psychics looking for something which to be brutally honest I don’t even know what that is myself anymore. I have lost almost every important person in my life. I feel lost all the time, daily life is just so hard but I trudge through because I have no choice. I believe life, all life is sacred and should never be harmed in any way so I don’t eat any animal products and would never harm anyone or myself. I drift in and out of belief because I’m so battered by losses and painful experiences sometimes I choose to tell myself it’s all a load of old hogwash, I’m in my fifties and my whole life has been hard so if it were true why would that be? But deep down I do believe, God , Angels the whole lot. It still doesn’t explain why life is so hard or make it any easier but I still believe. I think people like you who have “gifts” and are not out to rip people off are sent to help I’m not sure how but I hope you figure it out x
Cheyanne Godfrey
October 10, 2018I know this is like 2 years late but honestly i feel the exact same as you did. I’m watching bob ross while reading this and it is really calming and just reading while really only listening to him talk. it set the tone and pace of me reading and i don’t how that makes me feel.
May 19, 2016I met this guy through a professional set up a few months ago. Straight away I knew there was something special between us. I think he felt the same. Nothing happened. We parted ways. But I couldn’t forget him or the way I felt. One day I was asking universe to give me a sign or something that I’m not crazy about the way I felt and that it was actually meant to be to meet him. And guess what? A few days after I went on the hike to this cave in the middle of nowhere and met the guy by the cave! I couldn’t believe it! We both we’re a bit shocked to see each other again and let alone by the cave in the middle of nowhere! A sign or what??
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
May 19, 2016Hi K,
Thanks for sharing your story! You guessed it, there is no such thing as coincidences. That was a big sign!
Vivek kotiya
June 18, 2016Hi Margarita
I was inspired by reading your article that universe is really giving signs
Yesterday I saw a pigeon feather on my grandfather’s head. And also today in the morning I had a lucid dream of my crush that I proposed to her and she said yes. Do I need more signs to ask her out?
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
June 20, 2016Hi Vivek,
The signs mean the most to you, and how YOU interpret them. Sounds like you already know your answer!
sathish kumar
July 1, 2016For the past two months , Iam seeing this kind of numbers ..1:11, 4:44, 3:33 , 12:12. 12:21, and goes on ..what is it ..I couldnt get the exact picture
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
July 1, 2016Hi Sathish,
You are certainly receiving guidance in the form of repeating numbers, which are all relevant! Check out resources online for all number meanings, especially under “Angel numbers”.
Good luck!
September 9, 2018Did you ever figure it out? I’m having the same experience. I’m feeling alone and scared tbh. I know something is happening. I can feel it.
July 5, 2016OKAY. This’ll be a bumpy ride.
I dated this guy for almost 5 years. 14 — 19. We basically grew up together. We have strong feelings towards each other (at least I do) and he was very important in my life.
However, about January 1th 2015, I had a crisis (I was used to them, but this one was worse) and he broke up with me for reasons that I don’t know.
When I asked him to talk to me for the last time — March or May 4th or 5th — I tried to kill myself.
After this, I was diagnosed with BPD.
Now we don’t speak normally anymore. I called him, his dad, his mom. I spoke to his sister.
Every time we ever spoke he was angry and mean, and told me to go away and stay away.
He has a gf now. It seems like he moved on, but I feel like he didn’t. We didn’t.
He said he loved her and I was destroying his first happy moment in his life. I said that I might live in his town, and he freaked out, telling me to go away.
(I’m crying typing this.)
Here come the signs. I try my best to keep moving, but there are signs about us everywhere.
Our song never played on the radio, then, this week, it played while I was at home listening. His favorite songs play on the radio, and they only play when there’s a FUCKING sign.
His favorite band was gone from my Facebook timeline, then POOF. THERE IT IS — SOMEONE IN MY FRIEND LIST, WHO NEVER SAID ANYTHING, SAYS SOMETHING.
His t-shirt was missing… Then like magic. It appeared inside of my wardrobe.
I wasn’t dreaming about him. Now every night I dream about him.
I ask for signs to say what should I do, but I don’t know what this is
If I’m getting crazier, or I’m seeing things where I shouldn’t see
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
July 8, 2016Hi M.,
Sounds like you’re in a lot of pain. It may be helpful to make sure that you’re in touch with your energy (vs. identifying it within the context of someone else), and cultivating the grounding of it. We can only really take notice of the signs we are given when we still our mental chatter and get in touch with ourselves. You may want to check out my articles, “How To Tell The Difference Between Intuition And When It’s Just Your Ego Talking”, “On Cutting The Ties That Bind: Cord Cutting 101”, and “3 Things You Can Do To Ground Yourself On Earth Day”.
Good luck!
July 30, 2016HI Margarita, my name is sunny. I wanted to ask you, when I am thinking of a particular person who i love and she loves me too, but since 2 months we are not able able to talk as her mom has told her not to talk.. but whenever am looking up in the sky and just taking her name from within i am getting vibrations in heart area which lasts for 5 seconds ….
She is reading my messages what I am putting on my fb wall but she is not able to talk, if i tell pls come online on whatsapp so that i know you are ok she comes other wise she is not active on whatsapp. I am keepin a big faith on universe to gift me her… i need to understand why we get vibrations in heart area
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
August 3, 2016Hi Sunny,
Please check out my blog post, “Why Disconnection From Self And Others Can Be Hazardous To Your Health (The Heart Chakra)”. That might help you understand why we vibrate at the Heart Chakra.
Good luck!
August 21, 2016Hello Margarita. I am hoping to reconcile with someone I believe is the love of my life, and recently saw a comment on a friend’s Facebook photo that gave me a strong sudden instinct she is expecting her second child (though this was not stated explicitly, and the comment could have meant many other things). I asked the Universe “If Debbie is pregnant, it means Joe and I will reconcile, if Debbie is not pregnant, Joe and I will not reconcile.” Two weeks later I have learned Debbie is indeed pregnant. At work last night I asked the Universe to affirm its answer, “If that client makes a booking, Joe and I will reconcile, if that client does not make a booking, Joe and I will not reconcile.” The client booked. Do you think I can take some comfort in this or am I clutching at straws?? Thank you.
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
August 23, 2016Thanks for reading, Beccade! It is always important to decipher if you’re receiving a sign from a place of groundedness, not fear. Operating from fear will give you mixed messages. Results are also clearer when you don’t read your signs based on other people’s actions/choices, but on the appearance of certain images, words, a certain animal/insect, etc.
Good luck,
October 7, 2016Recently I have had two almost out of the blew signs. I’ve been wanting a child for a long time, and I started to feel nausea with breast tenderness lately. And right before bed, I asked for a sign that i was going to become a mother soon, and I woke up, checked my Facebook and there was a completely random post along the lines of “We see you becoming a mother” in the caption. I took a screenshot on my phone, and tried to find it again but I couldn’t find it. That was 3 days ago, then today I got a fortune cookie, and opened it and it said “Your dearest wish will come true”. I’m really hoping these are signs pointing me in the right direction.
What should I do or say to really know?
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
October 8, 2016Hi Leslie,
I think you’re getting a lot of pretty clear signs, right there! You may want to communicate with your Spirit Guides to confirm your signs. Check out my blog post, “How To Communicate With Your Spirit Guides”.
November 3, 2016Hi Margarita,
I often receive messages from the universe. Just last night, my ex and I were texting and he was listening to a rock station on the radio and it was playing our band (AC/DC), and at the same time I was texting him, our song (Selena Gomez) was playing on another radio station I was listening to. These two songs were playing at the same exact time when we were texting each other.
We went out to dinner last night and he ordered our dinner to split. He ordered exactly what I ordered the night before when I was on a date with someone else. The irony of it all, is he chose the same exact restaurant as the one I was at the night before. He didn’t even know I was at the same restaurant the night before, let alone what I ordered. Parking at my apartment is so rare to find a spot especially at night, Last night when we went back to my place, there were two parking spots open..and they were right next to each other next to my front door. This NEVER happens! Is this the universe talking to me?
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
November 8, 2016Hi Nikki,
You’re right, the universe is always talking to us! Sometimes it is to help us be simply be more in flow with our lives. Usually, I’ve noticed that it’s moreso when we’re looking for an answer or confirmation to a question.
November 24, 2016I prayed for hearts in the form of rocks, clouds and just anything when my heart was broken over a failed relationship. 7 months down the road i was in a primarily sexual relationship with a new partner and on a long drive one day my first heart shaped rock appeared while this man was opening the door to let me back in his car. he was still married and i probably internally knew this but didnt want to . hearts keep showing up for me and i am single since he left april, 8, 2016. He is the hardest to get over….but what are these hearts, i just say its god telling me he does answer prayers in his own time…and also that love is all around me. I appreciate your words of wisdom as I sit still trying to let go of the long gone married man.
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
December 5, 2016I’m so glad that you found my words helpful, Crystal! Love is, indeed, all around us. Always. And, as long as you keep your heart open, cultivated, clear, and have healthy boundaries, you will soon manifest the kind of love that’s right for you.
November 26, 2016Firstly I would like to say that normally I would not seek help in understanding my life and what is going on around me. Being a rational, practical and scientific type of person I will normally try to find “normal” explanations for everything but time has come to where “normal” explanations just arnt working.
Like a lot of people who start searching for answers about the universe and what its trying to tell them, I am at a point of desperation to know what the universe is trying to tell me. to cut a long story short, for about 5 years now I have been fighting hard to make a business and life decision work, not giving in to the constant, almost daily road blocks and brick walls that keep popping up in front of me, With each one I could easily have given up but kept fighting and managing to pass only to have another in front. Just when it looks like there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am about to achieve the goals I set out to achieve the light turns out to be a train coming straight at me. This has of course taken its toll on my and my wifes life financially and personally with us being at the virge of financial ruin and also very close to separation due to the constant stress and hard times making both of us show our worst sides. To top this off now it seems like the house that we moved into 6 months ago, in the attempt to better our lives (new city, house close to the sea, beautiful place with an abundance of natural energy) is full of bad spirits, bad karma, or bad something that is just destroying us. SInce being here we have lost 2 cats in fights with our dogs, these animals have lived together for years, sleep together and are all good friends, things are breaking for no apparent reason, just yesterday our beautiful glass top marble dining room table “exploded” with no physical explanation! Everything we try to do to better ourselves seems to backfire with more bad stuff happening. Its soul destroying and making us both feel there is no point in trying any more… seems the universe is against us which I know is not the case but thats how it feels… even started thinking that maybe voodoo is real and an ex has a silly little doll that she keeps sticking pins into. And for a scientific guy to start thinking like that is a pretty big thing.
I guess my question is… if the difficulties are signs, why not any signs of what I should be doing? are they signs that I should not be doing what im doing or is it the universes way to make me stronger? Because if this is the case im past getting stronger and am just tired and ready to give up. Why not give some signs to help me understand what I should be doing and not what I should not be doing? I have been asking, I think I am being open to the signs but maybe due to my loyayties to other people involved in the business along with the few clients I still have Im too scared to believe the signs? I really need help to understand what the universe is telling me and I really need better signs to help me know what is the right path.
Sorry for the long post. I really enjoyed your Blog post above. You obviously have a huge insite. Thanks in advance for any help you can pass on.
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
December 5, 2016Hi Dean,
Thank you for sharing your story! I hear your frustration. It sounds like you are fighting your Inner Wisdom, rather than going with the flow of it. Sometimes, when we are too married to what we think is supposed to happen, rather than allowing ourselves to discover that we are getting guided to options that are better for us, we fail to jump on the opportunities that would elevate our situation. You might want to check out my articles, “Why Not Trusting Your Intuition Can Be Hazardous To Your Health (The Third Eye Chakra)” and “My Top 7 Ways To Interrupt Negative Patterns When You Feel Stuck” (use the “Search” tool on the right of the screen). Also, take note of the exploding of things in the house, as they are signs, too.
December 17, 2016I had my heart opened to the universes messages a few years ago. They have always looked out for me, being subconsciously present when I wasn’t looking. Now I feel I need a sign to show me if my lover is my one true mate, or am I destined to break this relationship too? I feel the universe is telling me he is, should I be looking internally more where this fear is from?
A good read thank you x
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
December 22, 2016Hi Jacky,
I’m glad you enjoyed the post! If you feel the universe is telling you something, look within and check in with your heart, as well as your Light Council (your Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors, etc.) to get more perspective. Our answers are always inside us if we listen.
January 25, 2017Hi Margarita
In December 2015 I met a client, and from the first minute we so comfortable with each other, was like two old friends catching up on life and I felt in love with him and my life never been the same again…. since then we been messaging and I only met him a second time back in January 2016…a year later I decide I want to move on and stop the messages between us. .. I asked the universe if this man is important to me and why I can’t stop thinking about him? I don’t know if I am going crazy but everything around me “screams” his name… every second car I see is the same colour and model of his car, a trip to the Mall I hear passing by people, security guards radio saying/calling his name… something inside me tells me to wait… but I been waiting for over a year and nothing happen…is this signs from the universe ?
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
February 2, 2017Hi Ines,
Thanks for reading! Sounds like you are getting definite signs from the universe. Time to delve deeper and read between the lines.
Good luck,
January 26, 2017Hello,
I am unsure what I am looking for, I guess just understanding. I have always been more open to the signs of the universe, and welcome them with my entire being.
I believe these signs find me, if you understand what I mean. It’s not even when I am having my toughest moments, but they are more clear when I am. Maybe since I am open, I look more when I am hurting.
I can always tell when something more is going to happen in my life when the signs start coming. Your article helped me a lot understanding the different signs. From simple conversation pieces, to music, and seeing certain words and statements.
Is there a certain reason that I get more signs than my other friends who are just as open? How do I interpret these signs I am finding, and why are they connected? I just don’t want to miss something if the universe is asking me to reach out to the person these signs are surrounding.
I hope you can answers these questions.
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
February 2, 2017Hi Lauren,
I’m glad you found the article useful! It’s not that you get more signs than your friends, you are simply more open to receiving them. You must look into how they are meaningful to YOU, no one else. This takes practice and patience. Just start, and then connect the dots.
Good luck!
February 24, 2017Hi,
I really enjoyed your article and it definitely spoke to me. Lately I have been seeing the word “patience” (maybe 6 times this week alone!). I have received them through various people or objects. I know this specifically relates to the subject of love and me finding true love. Is it possible the universe gives us the answers even though we may not have necessarily asked for them?
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
March 9, 2017Hi Virginia,
Glad my article spoke to you! I have the feeling that you certainly did ask for those answers, even if subconsciously.
March 3, 2017Hi, I am confused. I had this job and me and this guy started flirting and i could tell he was interested. But weird things started to happen at that job that it seemed like stuff kept happening to where before I would have quit, but I kept hanging in there. This other coworker liked him also and it was awkward. Because of this and my car messing up, i eventually quit. But it was like someone was trying to get me to quit. So i started thinking maybe this all happened because we werent supposed to get together for some reason. He was a little self conscious and shy, but he never called me or texted, he pretty much seemed uninterested. I get depressed because i think if I fought all of this against me that was happening there, we would still be talking. So im thinking…ok…it wasnt meant to be. I keep seeing his name , which i know is because I am more aware of his name… But….I asked let me know what to do…i pull up to the Atm and its flashing….and someone left their card, and noticed the first name is the guy i like. Then the other day i substituted at this job, but as i was driving there i asked, please help me, just let me forget about him. Then when i got there the guy I was working with had his name. I told him he had the same name that a guy i like, and he said his wife had my name. Soooo….i ask, just let me forget about him and i get….and this is going to sound crazy…but in my head, i keep hearing ” he likes you” ” Your going to marry him” lol….i nevet do this….im thinking it must be myself trying to get me through this. Im just not getting this. It seems that he is totally not interested so why… totally confused. I need to know what you think. Thanks, sorry this is so long
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
March 9, 2017Hi Anne,
As I’ve mentioned to another reader, when we are “pushing” to get an answer (especially towards one that you want), and going at it from a place of desperation or fear, rather than groundedness, it will be hard to decipher the guidance, or you may ignore it, entirely. Check out my blog post, “Why Fear Of Survival Can Be Hazardous To Your Health (The Root Chakra)”.
Good luck,
March 19, 2017Dear Margarita,
Someone I have been dating has found a new girl and it has been like 8months since I saw him but we talk and message each other on whatsapp. I had asked signs from the universe to tell me if he’s coming back. There were days that I see random things he were on other people like his pink long sleeves worn by one officemate. The perfume he uses. The image of him I saw exactly his built and I even thought it was him….we’re these signs that he will be back in my life?
March 19, 2017Just 5 days ago I was bored and i dont want to wallow in hurt thinking of him soI decided to watch a horror movie with him on my mind still.So randomly I chose one horror from this youtube uploads. While I was into it I hear his name out loud.the actor’s name is same as his. I said..oh wow..why is this happening..oh all names and of all movies??? Are these signs he’d come back to me Margarita? I need your expert advise please.
March 19, 2017I enjoyed this a lot. I don’t share with many people that I believe I am getting signs because they just tell me I see what I want to see. I know I my heart it isn’t that. I honestly won’t be looking and something very weird or unexplained will happen regarding this. I was starting to get discouraged because these messages have been very persistent for awhile now, but nothing has happened. Just one example the person I am talking about we used to joke and call him the Hulk. One day I was saying ” I think it’s time I give up that all this means anything” literally I went into a patients room right then and almost tripped over a incredible hulk ornament on the floor that nobody had ever seen’s weird things like this. But your article brought me some encouragement. So thank you.
Sakina Hassan
April 20, 2017Hello,
I came across your site because a thought had came to me questioning if I was receiving signs.
This all began when a guy I was dating last year from Chicago and he had decided that we should no longer be together. Later he had told me the distance and andthe possibly that I may not be able to have children was the reason behind this. This threw me for a loop. I did not see this coming at all. I was madly in love with him and still am.
I went through A LOT of changes last year including working on my own joy, become happy with me, enjoying the journey itself. The pain triggered all of this. This by far was one of the BEST things that has happened to me in my life. I have decided to go back to school to pursue my passion to teach. I meditate every morning. I have a lot more clarity in my life I am very conscious of how my mind, bod, and spirit feel and I make sure to try my best to always stay in alignment.
So one day I was listening to Dr. Maryjo Puleo and she was speaking about visualization and how you can use that with your career, love life “etc”. So I had wrote in my journal that I wanted to receive my visualization. I thought it would come to me in my sleep, but instead it came to me clear through my meditation. It was me teaching, having a baby, and Sean ( the guy form Chicago) is my partner and the father to my children.
So most recently I have been either meeting people from Chicago, see the word Chicago, and hearing/seeing the name Sean. Does this mean anything or am I reading too much into it?
I am having a similar situation with a car I want to get as well. The car came to me during my mediation. I was driving a Camry and then on my ways to work I started to see Camry billboards and then a huge Camry truck pass by.
I just need a little bit of clarity on this so if you could please help it would be much appreciated.
By the way are you ever in Southern California?
Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher
May 4, 2017Hi Sakina,
Thanks for reading! Congratulations on your massive growth in your journey!
As with other folks who’ve commented on this post, you are always receiving signs. And, as I’ve previously mentioned, above, when we are coming from a neutral, receptive, and open approach, rather than a fearful and constrictive one, that is when we are able to best trust our guidance on signs we’re receiving. It’s always best to nurture trust in our own intuition, rather than seek validation of it outside ourselves, which is a practice.
I love Southern California, but don’t foresee myself there anytime soon. But, we’ll see!
May 24, 2017Hi Margarita,
Something incredible has been happening to me for several months, but in recent weeks it has intensified immensely. I’d like your take on it.
First, a brief synopsis of my life, particularly the last five years: a verbally abusive marriage, multiple job losses, a child with a medical condition that required mutliple hospitalizations that doctors could not find a cause for, financial problems. My life could be summed up in two words: Train. Wreck.
During that time, I befriended a wonderful, handsome widower with three children. We quickly began flirting with each other and it didn’t take long before I fell hard for him.
Fast forward about 18 months. I confronted him about where our relationship was going. He admitted to having feelings for me but gave me a laundry list of reasons why we can’t have a relationship. (He knew I had filed for divorce.)
I was crushed but backed away and gave him some space. A few weeks later, I decided he just needed some “gentle pursuasion,” so I began sending him inspirational messages about fate, hope, etc. privately on social media. After about three weeks, he sent me a text message asking me to stop.
It’s been two months, and I have seen him many times in public, but we do not acknowledge or speak to each other. I have blocked him on social media so he cannot see my posts.
Now, the reason for my inquiry: For months, I have seen signs of him everywhere. But in recent weeks, I have seen them EVERY SINGLE DAY, multiple times a day. I work as a substitute teacher, and I see his first and last name written on bulletin boards, desks, honor rolls and class rosters. I sometimes see his daughter in class and in the hallways, and I overhear conversations of students that include his first name. I see people wearing T-shirts of his favorite bands, and I hear those bands as I am scrolling through the channels on my car radio, usually more than once a day. They are ’90s bands; they don’t get much airplay anymore!
I saw his first name on a style of picture frames at a craft store. The same day, my waiter at dinner had the same first name as his. Another day, I was stopped at an intersection and looked up to see a beer truck passing by – – the same brand he used to make when he worked in their brewery years ago.
I see the type of vehicle he drives multiple times a day – – perhaps not the same color, but the same make and model.
My instinct tells me this is happening too often for it to be just coincidence. Or am I looking for these signs? It doesn’t seem so; usually I just look up, and there they are.
One day last week, I forgot to take my medication, and when I do, a side effect is very strange, lucid dreams. That night, among other things, I dreamed he was sitting there, smiling, and he reached out his hand and said, “Come here.” He told me in the dream that he was coming for me, not to give up, and that he just needed a little more time. He used the same speech patterns, tone and inflection as if he were actually talking to me.
Meanwhile, the signs continue to present themselves. I had read somewhere that when these experiences increase in frequency, something big is about to happen. Do you agree? Am I nuts? I know you cannot offer any guarantees, but please advise! Thanks!
June 22, 2017I just had a lovely sign from the universe this morning! Two days ago I asked for a sign to let me know that my angels and the universe are working on my manifestation to find love. And then this morning whilst I was sleeping…. a wooden sign that was up on a shelf above me fell right in between my eyes and hit me on the head. The sign said ‘LOVE’!
It was amazing, it woke me up and I saw what it is and I said thank you as I know it was a sign from up above.
July 1, 2017Is repeating bad luck at a job possibly a sign that I’m not meant to be there? This job uses none of my talents and is dead-end. And lately I’ve had bad, bad luck there every day to the point I want to tear my hair out and am at the end of my rope. Every time I want A, I get B there and vice versa. I’ve been having a LOT of bad luck and constant bad timing in my life in general too and it is also infuriating and unignorable. Do I need to change my life and take a completely different path? Why am I being tortured and punished every day then? Feels like I’m headed for the loony bin as the universe continues to be against me constantly. Please reply.
July 8, 2017Hi, I have been going through a transitional period in my life the past three months, trying to find a job and also a recent breakup with my boyfriend. He has some childhood issues to work out and because he is unable to process his feelings, he says he isn’t sure how he feels about me. He has started to go to therapy and I told him I can’t see him until he figures out his feelings for me. I have been grieving our relationship, going to therapy, and praying about it.
I have always believed in signs from the universe. My mom, who passed away 4 years ago, was very spiritual as well. A month before she passed she said she would send me “the one.” I believed my mom then and I believe her now. I met my ex on a dating site and almost fell on the floor when I saw the last 4 digits of his phone number: it was my mom’s birth date! Definitely a sign from her. Though we have had issues in our relationship, I always felt we were meant to be.
When we broke up, I was devastated. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t know how he felt. I was very hurt and impatient, asked him constantly what his feelings were. I know I was making the situation worse, so I backed off. It has been too difficult juggling the “are we friends or more?” situation. I made the decision to give it to the universe.
That was a week ago and I’ve been receiving signs. I heard two of my mom’s favorite songs yesterday (one of the songs played twice that day on the same radio station) and one of them has reference to a guy who finally realized he was a fool and loves the woman who left him. I saw license plates with numbers and letters I associate with my mom. I know she is around because I even smelled her perfume the other day. I believe these are all signs from her that I should be patient and wait for my ex to figure things out because I believe he does love me.
I saw a deer the other day as well; I did a card reading on myself and the card that came up was “give your relationship a chance.” I feel like these are all signs that me and my ex are meant to be together. The key is patience and having faith that everything will happen in due time.
These 11 Animals Bring Powerful Omens When They Cross Your Path – Evolve Me
July 10, 2017[…] The universe has a weird way of letting us know things. Spirit guides and different omens are sent to us to let us know whether or not we are on the right path. […]
July 20, 2017Hi Margarita,
Very recently only I came to know we all have angels and they show us signs, universe send us signs in different aspects of our life. And frankly after my knowledge I saw 11.11 once and after that am seeing 111 777 7777 222 continuously. .. and in many articles I read that we have to open our heart to receive sign and messages from angles.. but I don’t know how to do that.. these feeling and knowledge are so new to me.. am so confused … pls help me.
Love deepa
July 23, 2017Hi Margarita! I’m so glad I came across your post! In regards to signs of “Printed Words” would seeing a name fall under that category? In the last 8 months or so, I keep seeing the same girls name online, and I’ll hear it occasionally at a park or store. It’s not very common of a name and yet it keeps appearing to me, so much so, that I’ve started paying attention and whenever I’m online I’ve started to take a photo to document its appearance. Prior to 8 months ago, I rarely heard it or seen it – or perhaps I wasn’t paying much attention to it back then. But, there is significance of this name to my husband and I, as it is the baby name we chose if we had a daughter, but as we’ve grown our family we’ve been blessed with two sons. I’m wondering if by continually showing me this name if I’m being given some sort of sign. It’s been a weird occurrence over and over again, and yet intriguing at the same time. So it makes me curious if a name can fall under “printed words”? Thanks!
July 31, 2017I’ve never been too keen on signs, I didn’t really know if they truly existed until this year. I keep trying to explain to my friends that something is happening to me but, of course, no one really hears me. Most recently, I was given a sign that I just couldn’t ignore anymore:
As weird as this may sound, I had a dream 3 nights ago and I was listening to Gin and Juice by Snoop Dogg… I know it sounds like a joke but hear me out.
That morning I got into my car and it was playing on the radio. I’ve had countless crazy coincidences like that recently so I smiled and ignored it. Later that day a friend of mine asked me, “Hey what’s endo? Like from Gin and Juice?” A little freaked out now, I asked, “Why did you just ask me that?” she said “I dunno I was just thinking about it.” I couldn’t tell her, really, how weird it was that she asked THAT question, so I kept it to myself.
Later that night, my friend and i took a late night drive to Yum Yum Donuts. We pulled up and I got out of the car. As we were walking in, a car next to the entrance was blasting music…. I’m sure you can guess what song was playing. At this point, for some reason, tears came to my eyes. I was genuinely frightened and had to acknowledge that SOMETHING, not sure if it was big or small, was happening to me. Now, I just wanna mention again, this was so powerful for me because this was not the first time utterly weird coincidences were popping up, in fact this entire year has been filled with experiences like this. Not this intense, per say, but definitely things I couldn’t ignore.
The next day, I drove down to Newport to play a show. On the way there, I told my guitar player about these weird Gin and Juice coincidences. We arrived at the resort and started playing. About 45 minutes into the first set, a little boy came up to us and shyly asked if he could make a request from his mother. I looked up and smiled at her, then asked what it was he wanted to hear….. Gin and Juice.
I froze, speechless, I looked over at my guitar player who nonchalantly said, “yeah that’s definitely weird”…. That was it. He just didn’t understand exactly how profound that was for me and I don’t think anyone can.
Those were signs too big to just move past. I’ve been searching everywhere for answers and I found this article. Thought I’d share my experience.
What Type Of Spirit Follows You Around? – Evolve Me
August 1, 2017[…] scenarios in which a spirit guide might try to contact you. Whether it feels like it or not, the universe is always keeping an eye on us. Each person on Earth has a team of spirit guides that are completely devoted to their growth. Your […]
August 2, 2017Hi Margarita, I find your blog very helpfun. So I asked god for a sign and the next day I find out I was pregnant, was pregnant before and did not keep it so do you think it’s god sending me a message about a second chance? How do I take it as?
August 3, 2017Margarita:
I recently started reading Depak Chopra’s theories on the law of intention. I am a regular yoga practioner and I practice mediation regularly.
I sent an intention out to the universe a few weeks ago. It involved a person I had known for sometime through work, but never met in person. He visited me last summer, spending a few days at my house and I developed strong feelings for this person. But because of another (troubled) relationship I was in, and a wide physical distance between us, the friendship ended. Many months passed. Then a few weeks ago, I knew I needed to stop thinking about this person. I sent out my intention and stopped focusing on him. I trusted the universe to take care of the details.
Last night I went on a date with a new man, a very nice man who I met online. It was first date I went on since I sent out my intention. We met at a bookstore near my house. I was sitting at a table in the cafe and the 1st thing I noticed was that my new date was wearing the same exact tshirt from a small, not well known, music venue in NYC. The same exact shirt, same color, everything about it identical.
I am wondering is this is synchronicity, or just a random coincidence.
What are your thoughts?
Thanks for listening.
August 7, 2017Hi! Margarita
I really needed a help here is my story, So happy to read all your experiences I had a dream last night that I am taking a pregnancy test but the result was not so sure, it say negative and positive so I don’t know, but suddenly some weird dream again same night I pop this weird plastic cover and I read the word “Positive” I took a test right now and it went out negative but I will try again I am 2 weeks late for my AF and I’ve been TTC for 2 years
last night before I headed to bed I ask God to give me a sign then when I woke up I remember seeing my 3 old friends one carrying a bby ( she delivers just recently) and my 2 friends who is pregnant and I saw them from apart focusing more on their bump. I want to discover the answer and I have faith in God at all. Hope you read this, I really needed some guidance:) thanks a lot!
August 8, 2017Hi Margarita,
I love your blog! I would also like your opinion on a situation. My husband and I was living in California and decided that we need to figure out where we want to settle at to raise our family. I had been stationed (Army) in Tennessee in early 2000. I remember the feeling of Tennessee I had was great and family oriented. I liked the feeling. So when my husband and I began the conversation of where to move Tennessee was the first thing that came to mind and brought up the feeling that I remember feeling when I was stationed there. My husband was not totally against the ideal of Tennessee because he has never been there and doesn’t really know what to expect. My husband and his entire family is from New Jersey. His grandfather and wife moved to Arizona 30+yrs ago. Grandfather died so the wife decided to continue to stay in Arizona. We connected with the grandmother and she tried really hard to pursue us to move to Arizona. I felt nothing for Arizona but my husband was very into Arizona. Within a period of 6months we were trying to figure out where to move. I would always see Tennessee license plates in California mostly where the big trailer trucks. I started to think that was a sign to confirm Tennessee. We ended up in Arizona. We got here some things happened bad but the things that happend was life changing for the better spiritual, mentally and physically. We are renting an apartment here in Arizona and looking to buy however Tennessee keeps coming back to me out of no where. I started seeing the same license plates again with Tennessee. Here in Arizona One day my husband and I were talking about what state we should buy a house in him still siding with Arizona me still trying to figure out why I still feel so passionate about Tennessee. As we are talking a van pulls out in front of me with Tennessee license plates and then goes over into the next lane to turn onto another road as I am driving straight. Until this day I don’t I can’t shake the feeling I had when this happened. We are content here in Arizona but Tennessee keeps haunting me.
August 15, 2017Hi,
I am not sure why I am even writing you this note, however, something is telling me i should reach out to you. I have on multiple occasions received messages from lost loved ones via dreams. Recently, I noticed that I have in the position where i say something in conversation that answers someone else’s question before it is asked. For example, my uncle who was diagnosed with lung cancer a few years ago was attending a family get together in my mom’s house a few weeks ago. We were all in conversation and my daughter asked me for something that required for me to get up and leave the conversation for about a minute. Before I got up, my uncle told me that when i came back he wanted me to check something for him online through my phone. I agreed and got up to help my daughter with what she needed. I realized i didn’t have my cell phone on me and precedence to open my mom’s bedroom door which is located in front of the living room where everyone was gathered. As i opened the door, i immediately smelled my late grandmother’s sweet perfume. This is not unusual for me, however, i told my mom and uncle as soon as i became aware of the smell, in a way of bringing them comfort that she was there with us. To my amazement, my uncle declared that what he wanted me to search on my phone all along was just what I experienced! He wanted to know why he keeps smelling the smell of incense multiple times a day. Sometimes even driving!
I believe that was my grandma’s way of telling her son, my uncle, that she is there with him always.
Unfortunately, I am unable to control or even fully understand these events. I have a feeling the universe wants to say something, I just dont know how to remove the mental block. Lol.
Have a wonderful day
Joy Pulliam
August 20, 2017Thank you for sharing. This was a very good read.
The last company I work for, I felt so much evil energy around me and I felt like I was being spiritually attacked all of the time. Most nights I would find a penny, some nights I would find several! They always seemed to surface when something vicious was said or done to me. This went on for a year or so, until they fired me.
I just realized yesterday that I haven’t been finding pennies since leaving that company so I intentionally searched for them all day while I was running errands. Not a single penny!
It’s now very evident that the universe was trying to tell me something. At the time, I accepted it as a sign from God letting me know he was there with me. I feel strongly now more than ever that He definitely was.
What do you think?
September 10, 2017Well this was a needed read. We recently moved to a new state for my job (husband got to keep his because he just needs am airport). Since we’ve moved, we have had a string of bad luck. Got.caught in a blizzard my first day of work, snow blows into the eaves from the strom and causes the drywall to fall in my room, truck started on fire from.compacted snow, my dog had a near drowning, our house in our old state got caught in a hail storm and fell out of escrow, our current housing situation is up and we have no place to go (unless.we move to a town 30 miles away) but my Job is cool with lots of good opportunities. Is the universe saying get the heck out??? Or saying if you through this crap- it’s gonna be awesome?
September 16, 2017Hi,
So me and this guy ended things at the beginning of summer. We were really important to each for a year but then I decided to end things because I was noticing that he made me feel really crappy. He claimed to love me but I couldn’t stand making excuses for how he treated me. And We havent really talked since.
What I’m wondering is that I see the same car he drives everywhere I go. Everyday. That may seem little but his car was like a part of him.
Does that mean anything? Like I see it everyday at least twice. Let me know!
Stefanie Weber
September 19, 2017So, the last few days I had low energy. I felt like I always give love, fixing people problems and giving attention to the ones in need but felt that nothing ever come back.
My dad died two years ago. He was and is the closet person to me in the universe. TThis monring while having a shower I asked him to give me a sign that the world cares…
This is what happened next:
1. I broke a cereal porcelein bowl (in my culture this brings luck)
2. My 3 year old son came to me and gave me a white feather and asked to hold it.
3. My mother calls me and tells me about a fortunate bank arrangement she had been fighting for for a year and I supported her.
4. Then one of my oldest friend called me to tell me she is pregnant.
5. Then my other best friend called me to tell me she is pregnant,too. Both girls have been in unlucky relationships for years and I was very close during those years.
I don’t know but I found those coincidences unbelievable… I feel so lucky now.
Thanks for reading.
October 9, 2017Hello it was 3 days before my ex left me that my mother called my name n told me.everything happens for a reason for those that love the lord.afterwards i asked God for a sign to know if he was meant for me or not.6 days later i was in a class n the teacher started adv icing us on relationship n he said maybe he has just graduated with a diploma in IT. And is now hustling study first n the rest will follow later.coincidently my ex had just graduated with a diploma in IT.Another time I asked God if he comes back i would know God had been talking to me if not God had not been giving me signs.That night i talked in my sleep saying oh yes yeah! It repeated itself again one day later n i said oh yes yeah! These were happening at midnight both tines.Could all these be signs from God or not .Please answer me
lavetta Jackson
October 24, 2017Hello, Margarita! I keep seeing this guy name in difference places just doing normal everyday things. I am in love with this guy but it seems like he hates me. We’ve been seeing each other for over 2 yrs now. But since he always seems to push me away and acts as though he doesn’t care sometimes. I have been trying to let go of him.But I just keep seeing memories of him everyday non stop. I even have been trying to date others to take my mind off of him and that doesn’t work either. When I am around him I feel like I am just complete in every way, But when I am not my heart hurts missing him. He told me I am in his dreams and he is always in my dreams. What is the universe trying to tell me? Why can’t I move on from this guy?
October 29, 2017I was looking for a sign and ended here. I haven’t read through everything so please forgive me if this is a repeat. I believe I was lead to a documentary for some reason. I now believe that a person in the documentary could possibly be a soulmate or I could possibly be suferring from dementia. I haven’t figured out what to do with this infomation since nothing will become of it. So now I am stuck with high vibrations (think these are the words to describe how I feel) and now I just want to go back to feeling normal as if I was neverl led in this direction. Any suggestions?
Dinesh Sagar
November 7, 2017Hi , i was just going through your site , my question is , for the last six months i am watching similiar numbers like 333, 444, 555, 1.11, 12,12, 12.21. what does that mean?
December 12, 2017Hello.
This is a great article, exactly what I was looking for.
Recently I moved to another country and during this time (one year) I have been seeing the sign of the Eiffel Tower and the word Paris ( everytime, everywhere). Does this means that I will move to Paris or study there or I will meet my love of my life?
I really want to decipher this sign.
Thank you.
December 26, 2017I broke up with an ex three months ago because he was scared to admit his feelings. He pleaded with me to be patient, but I wouldn’t. I have been having a hard time moving on and feel like I am being held to him. I have dreamed 5 times of him being hurt in an accident and him calling me pleading for me to help him. I have asked God for signs, should I stay or move on. Several times his name has popped up on my Facebook timeline, or I will see it in passing on a billboard or commercial on tv. He was so mad at me he wouldn’t speak but finally replied to my text for a Merry Christmas. I have had other uncanny things happen and don’t know if it is wishful thinking. He reached out to me via Facebook two days after Asking God to send my husband to me. We grew up together so this wasn’t a stranger. He finally admitted that he loved me after the fact but by then was scared to re-enter the relationship. I have asked God to remove him from my heart, but then I get a sign that holds me. At a loss right now. Any insight will help. Thank you
Anjali C
January 15, 2018Hi,
When I was going for some Hypnotherapy session, I faced lot of obstacles such as break fail, gear wire fail, etc. what does such incident indicate? Is it indicating that I should not go for that session or person OR something is not allowing me to get rid of something…Generally what is it?
January 21, 2018Hello. I have two questions. My husband finds pennies, my sister finds dimes, that are messages from dead loved ones. I say my mother must not be speaking to me because I never see a message or sign that she is here. I absolutely believe in a life after death, so what am I missing? Secondly, I was diagnosed with cancer last year. I keep hearing a positive attitude is so important, but I am only positive that my cancer will recur and will kill me. I am having dreams of the doctor telling me the cancer has spread, that there is nothing they can do, that he’s sorry. I am not young, have had a death experience, maybe am more accepting of dying but not ready yet. Is it bad that I don’t have the positive attitude?
January 28, 2018Can dreams be an indicator of the universe attempting to speak with you?
Tara Calabrese
February 13, 2018I once saw a light in the sky.. it was big and white with blue edges.. it hovered and then disappeared, at first I was nervous cause I’ve never seen anything like it.. then I did some research that night and couldn’t find anything like it online.. the next day I woke up with so much knowledge it’s was like I changed forever. I wonder if anyone else has experienced anything like this. I’m so blessed.. I know exactly where I’m going.happy
March 5, 2018I am so happy to have come across this website, now I know that I am no going crazy.
Here are my chain of events,
If I met a guy and there is a romance interest the following happenings,
I will constantly here his name anywhere and everywhere and even the name
This will be a conversation with or without me over hearing, turning on the radio, in the shop or at work. Once the love interest continues I will hear the name of home address, as someone’s surname, someone yelling out the name is the street, a song the name of the city or street, etc
Then for whatever reasons the love interest dies and the whole cycle would draw to a halt.
These love interest does not necessarily develop into an intimate relationship.
I noticed this happens constantly, the only way I could describe the whole experience was like ‘spiritual harassment’ or being ‘under a spiritual radar’ looking at any potential relationship that I could have this is the only way I could describe it. Once the love interest dissolves the coincidences would stop, as though it never happened.
Some Examples:
A love interest with a very unusual name rang me one evening to share in feelings with me, the next a lady walked into my workplace with the very same usual name.
I deliberately refused to call a potential love interest by his first name, so I would address him by his surname only and the same coincidences would occur and I would never hear his surname, but only his surname.
Another person his name was so over the place that a customer came in and his surname was the name of the love interest home address.
Another time I invented a man and give him a name, and the same coincidences happened, however, it just died down after about 6 weeks.
Before any of these interest could develop into a relationship there seems to be an invisible intensity then the friendship dissolves.
This has been going on for a while, I felt as if someone had done witchcraft, as I cannot seem to point my finger on the meaning.
18 months I met someone who was a love interest and I took the plunge and develop a relationship, however, I would not mention his name, I would address him as Mr and Sir (he found me addressing him that way humorous) for at least 15 months. However, we use to experience strange looks from people whom neither of us knew. The facial expressions would be showing a look of confusion, as to imply who is he, or I didn’t know they were together or how are they together. We would both recognise this bizarre from some people who did not actually know us. This is the only way I can describe the experience. Anyway, the last 3 months, I started to address him by his first name.
Wow! The coincidences seem to be spiralling out control, his name would pops up in conversations when even if the person has called an incorrect name, his city pops up everywhere, totally unexpected place 6months later it is intensifying to the point it is scary. The relationship has since developed an invisible intensity that cannot be explained and we have drifted.
The only sign I get from this 6 months later is that he must still have an interest, as the ‘spiritual harassment’ or ‘coincidences ‘would not still be happening.
Is there something more creepy going on or am I getting the wrong messages from these re-occurring coincidences?
Thank you for taking the time to read my experiences
April 17, 2018Hi,
I just happened to come across you article as I was looking into an strange situation that happened with my sons.
Both kept losing their headphones, one at home and another one away at school, only to find it back near their beds.
I know and believe it is a sign, but don’t know what is being communicated to me. I had something similar happen to me 10 years back where I balloons would drift near me and I would get news that a loved one passed away. This really scared me and I asked my kids not to bring back balloons from birthday parties and then since last 5 years it stopped.
I just wish I knew how to read the signs the universe was sending me.
Unlocking Your Inner Intuition & Spirituality In Order to Move Forward
May 12, 2018[…] it’s 4:44 on the clock, means that your angels are protecting you. Besides, there are other signs that you can receive. As Dirk Gently, the holistic detective claims, everything is connected, even if you can’t see […]
#19 The Universe is Calling! | Holistically Curious
May 13, 2018[…] Are You Receiving a Sign: 10 Ways to Know When the Universe is Trying to Tell You Something by Margarita Alcantara […]
May 21, 2018Hi,
So I read you post about signs and was curious your thoughts on my situation. I am a terrified flyer. My husband wants to fly with our to Chicago for the 4th of July kids they will be 3years old and 9 months at the time. I am terrified something bad is going to happen. It consumes my whole day thinking about it. I asked for sign and so far there was the 2 instances where the windows cracked and people were sucked out of planes, the crash in Cuba and my husband had on espn and a documentary about the soccer teams plane that crashed in November came on. I’m trying to convince myself that these aren’t signs being sent to me not to fly, but I’m not sure. Do you think that they are signs being sent to me not to fly?
May 22, 2018I need an opinion. The man I truly believe to be my soulmate and I officially broke things off this last Fri. I was driving home on Sunday afternoon, and I saw a truck that looked just like his. I told my daughter. Then I said, are we going to see more? In a sarcastic tone. In my head I was thinking if the next 3 vehicles are dodge trucks, he is going to come back home. Low and behold, after a space in cars around the curve (and after a merge) here comes 3 dodge trucks one right after the other…. opinions?
May 23, 2018Hi,
I Guy I dated 29 years ago just reconnect with me, lives out of state and we are both married, we sent a couple of emails back and forth, left emails at when he comes in for a meeting will meet up.
Anyway ever since that I been hearing songs on the radio that I haven’t heard since we dated, I saw a Christmas ornament, that reminded me of him, and today I saw his favorite baseball team on a shirt, that I never saw before,I truly believe in signs, but I just wish I knew what he wants to tell me! hopefully he gets a meeting in my town soon! This is driving me nuts! ?
Felicia Colon
June 17, 2018I keep seeing the name Victoria.
The name keeps coming to me on the internet sometimes when I’m out some where. There are three people I know that have that name. My two nieces from two different sisters. And my grandson’s other grandmother. I’m just praying because I don’t know why I keep seeing the name. I keep seeing a wallet I have over and over in my dreams. What is Going on? What’s happening?
June 19, 2018I am home care nurse and I spend a lot of my time driving to my patients homes. Back in 2015,I was driving my car when someone sideswiped me. The license plate of the driver read +Jesus+
I thought that was kind of strange but moved on and had my car repaired. Just a few months ago in my new car, I was in a parking lot when someone backed into me and eerily enough, the plate read Buddah…. i’m perplexed, a little worried and wondering what to make of this. Any thoughts?
July 11, 2018What a wonderful post! I had to share it with friends and patients – I did just use the link to your actual page and hope that’s ok – let me know if you’re not comfortable
with me sharing it.
Wishing you a lovely day,
Dr. Menen, ND
Haley Irvine
July 15, 2018I believe in everything you had said here. But I have a very odd question and I can’t seem to shake the feeling. End of April my ex broke up with me and I came outside it’s rain. Sometime in June we were suppose to meet up but she wasn’t ready to meet. And of course it’s rain. Beginning of July it’s was pouring like there were no tomorrow and we both met up and it’s stop raining and the sky were clear. And now Recently she told me that she want to see where thing goes with this other person. And it’s rain out of nowhere. I believe this have to be a sign of something but can’t seem to find the meaning behind all of this. I hope you can help me out and understand what it’s trying to tell me.
August 15, 2018How can I tell if my Angel’s are speaking to me vs. a coincidence?
Natasha Rios
August 16, 2018I keep seeing my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriends name everywhere and am curious as to why i keep seeing her name. it is a common name, but I keep seeing her name everywhere. Any thoughts?
August 18, 2018My boyfriend and I broke up a little over a month ago. It was really unexpected, but we are pretty young (20 years old). We were always hanging out together until this summer when we had to be apart for 3 months. The distance got really hard. We were together for a little over a year. A couple of weeks before we broke up, he was telling me that he loves me more than a year ago and wishes he could spend all of his time with me. Then a week before he broke up with me, he was talking about out future and moving to LA together after school, then three days before we broke up, he was still saying I love you. Three days before we broke up, he had to go on a camping trip for work (he works at a boys camp and went camping with his campers and co counselor). We couldnt talk while he was gone but when he got back, he unexpectedly broke up with me. I was so confused as to why. He said he just wants to be single so he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants and that he wasnt sure that he loved me anymore but he still really really likes me as a friend. When i told him that he would realize it was a mistake, he said “probably. Maybe.” I ended up texting him a couple days ago about it and he told me that he wants to be single and we aren’t getting bacn together and that he doesnt love me anymore. But my gut feeling tells me that he is lying and is just scared of being in a committed relationship (he has always had a really hard time with sharing his feelings). A couple months before we broke up, he was talking about marrying me and singing the song “Falling Slowly” as a duet at our wedding. Our special song together though was “Endless Love”. We broke up a little over a month ago and I really want him back so i asked the universe for a sign. Since then, I have heard the song Endless Love come on when I am in my car and when i was in a store (I have never heard the song played in public before) and the song “Falling Slowly” came on as soon as I got in my car the other day. I have also seen a lot of bus stop signs that actually say “Looking for a sign?” Over a group of clouds. Also, a couple months ago, he and I saw a billboard at a store that had a really funny joke on it and we both couldn’t stop laughing. I was driving the other day and saw the same joke on a different billboard for a different store that was 15 miles away from the other. He was born on the 23rd of the month and I have also seen the number 23 repeatedly. I don’t know if these are signs that he will come back to me or if I am just overthinking everything. I could really use some advice about it.
August 19, 2018When I was 18 my boyfriend broke up with me because unexpectedly there was someone else. He was my first boyfriend, first lover. It killed me. I fell apart for years. Our songs would come on the radio and I’d see 922 everywhere, (the date we started going out, which was important to me at the time). I thought they were signs he was going to come back to me, or that we were meant to be together. So hung on to him when he wasn’t even thinking about me. In 30 now, and looking back st that, yeah I think the songs and numbers were signs, but I think I was so desperate for him to come back to me, that I misread them. I think the signs were the universe showing me its support.
I’ve been with a friggin’ amazing man for the last ten years. There is no way those signs were telling me I belong with me ex. I belong with my Peter.
I hope things go well for you hon. But don’t hang on too long to someone who isn’t even thinking of you. I hope he is. Best wishes <3
August 25, 2018Hi! I’ve been experiencing a lot of weird types of “coincidences” (?).
I met a friend a few weeks ago and he told me he was watching a movie, i had never heard of nor seen the movie. The next day, someone showed me the trailer of that same movie. The movie came out years ago, so there’s no way it’s “trending”, it’s also not very famous so it was really random. The other day good friend invited me to eat Mexican food at her house, later on I went home, and my mom ended up telling me we were eating the exact same thing. She has NEVER cooked that before. The day after that in English I was listening to a song from a band called BTS, it was called Wings, and then another song after that called Butterfly. A few minutes later my professor/doctor put up stickers on her wall saying, “Spred your wings and fly” and that is one of the lines in the song. She also put butterfly stickers by it. She didn’t know what song I was listening to because I had earphones in, so she couldn’t have known. Yesterday (the next day) in world geography we were learning about the Gao Dynasty, which is about stone men, and 7 boxes that mean stuff from China. This morning I got an email from a physic saying something bad will happen to me and in order to prevent it I need to do something with the 7 boxes of Gao. I don’t know what to think. Something has happened everyday for 4 days in a row.
Tracey Jurd
September 14, 2018Hi Margarita.
I wanted to say it’s fascinating what you wrote. I have had dreams that are very very short and precise. One of them was my (wanna be lawyer) in handcuffs and me at the police station in tears. I collapsed and balled my eyes out. I then woke up startled.
2nd dream husband asking me if i wanted to move somewhere where there are no neighbors. 3rd dream was his son who in the dream looked 16and walking up our dirt road. The last dream was the boys mother saying to me why do i lie for chris. I think this is about drinking. But I woke up after I had all those dreams happened. Is it a very big possibility that these are premonitions. I need to know. It feels like the show medium where they wake up all of a sudden.
September 19, 2018I asked for a sign and decided that of the answer was ‘yes’ then I would see a green ladybird. I chose something unusual and uncommon and thought that would really make it defining. I gave it 12 hours. I saw some number synchronicities at least 3 times in the day, more than I was experieneing on any other day. I also had a visual indicator about 5-10 mins into the request. That also seemed very clear and had the word ‘yes’ in this image.
Then as I was about to hop to bed not really aware of too much because it was about 5 mins from the end of the 12 hour window, I caught a commercial advertising a home ware brand that flashed the logo of a ladybird that looked distinctly green. It was gold in branding it’s products but the advert was an illustrated logo and it looked Olive Green. I couldn’t believe it!
So it meant ‘yes’ but I am finding it hard to get my head around that reply. I would expect it to be a resounding ‘no’ just from weighing things up. Looking at the reality of things. It would suit a ‘no’.
It’s made me look at my desires and wonder how much I want it and how sure I am and how authentic it is. I guess I got the jitters when I was faced with the possibility of my desire coming true. I tend to do this often.
I’m trying to figure out what I’m meant to learn. It’s saying yes this is for me, it’s also saying look at my reaction and be as honest as I can about what I want. Sometimes it’s the reaction that becomes the lesson and maybe a ‘yes’ was just a way to make me discover my truth. It’s another way to look at things. I’m still figuring it out : )
October 1, 2018I have a doubt. I asked the universe for a sign last night. That i have to go to my work in a blue cab. So as soon as i started to walk for work in the morning, i saw a blue car. But the cab in which i went to work was not blue. Do i take this sign as yes or no ? Please help !
Vivica preciado
October 16, 2018Hi! Honestly im so happy i stumbled across this post completly randomly. I absolutely believe in the universe giving me sighns, i kept seeing sighns..and thought maybe it was just me thinking about a certen situation to much but even when i wouldnt, things pop up that remind me everytime of a certain memmory..songs , smells, seeing physical things, songs, candy rappers we use to eat at the most random places, or there name randomly also..alot of different things for a while it drove me crazy because i wanted to just forget but..i feel like its for a reason but i cant figure it out. I also have dreams sometimes to so its hard..and even my fortunes i feel give me sighns..but this article helped me understand things better thank you?
October 30, 2018I asked for a sign, a specific one, and one that would be noticable as it’s not usually seen in my area. I did ask for anspecific time frame, but is it possible to still have it 2 days after that time frame or would that be more coincidence?
May 13, 2019I asked for a clear sign to let me know whether or not to get another dog and I had been considering two. I was searching dog bandanas and one came up with the dog’s name on it. I took that as a sign and expressed my interest in adoption. However, I was redirected by the rescue to dogs in my state. I took that as a road block and questioned whether this was meant to be. I wondered if this was not the dog and perhaps there was another dog that I was supposed to rescue. I specifically asked for a clear sign that I would undoubtedly know to be true and 30 minutes later I received a message from a girl asking if I knew of a rescue for her friends dog. She was trying to rehome her dog. The dog was exactly what I was looking for, a black and white husky with blue eyes. How can I deny that that was a clear sign to take this dog? But I find myself still asking for a sign to verify this sign. What are your thoughts?
July 31, 2019Thank you for your insight. I feel all these messages relate to my life. Except, mine started when I was 6 months old and now I am 40. Not many will believe my memory, but I can draw the houses we lived in and the set-up furniture and rooms inside. We were too poor for cameras so there is no way I remember from a picture.
I learned to draw to show my Mom that I truly remembered because it’s difficult for many to believe how far back I can remember.
Since I was young, I was able to teach myself, like I was born knowing what’s to be known; the problem is I have this belief that I am able to do this for a reason.
Yet, I am not over-confident and I am meek about this belief. Coincidences and dreams are remembered throughout. Also, I am able to do many things and learn very easily. I can play piano from watching, grow plants from a listening to people and a feeling, I love using my wisdom to help others, I am able to speak to people to make them feel special and good about themselves and their existence, pregnant women and me are inseparable, I can touch people who hate being touched, patients with Alzheimer’s all come to me (when usually they find one safe person and it’s usually a different employee for each but each morning I was partying and enjoying life with their pasts- yet we communicated by way of me seeing what they meant to say instead of the words they were using, and one was convinced she was my boss, it was amazing that they didn’t destroy my office, because I wasnt even their nurse or caregiver and they did accidental damage to others’ offices but we had an understanding, also.
In school, I was the quickest at math, I always have great ideas and I dont mind others making money off them (my friend created non-profit and a business alongside it- she believes I am the next Oprah), my friends say I should be a counselor or teacher, I believe I am from the wrong time-I dont fir in anywhere, my bosses say if they had a business they wouldnt do it without me, but here I sit with no career because every office has someone that doesnt like me and finds a way to get rid of me. Others from all jobs say they were threatened, but I am always doing things to make others look good and equally taking the credit, I have great attendance and excellent skill and fit and love all jobs I do from working in College to my job in Elections, to Accounting and managing 9 businesses.
I am kind, I love children and people. I love helping, I wish I could have a sustainable life but am too poor. I saved all my money when working and bought a home. Yet, I dont know what I want to do. I volunteer and clean parks, help homeless, house people in my home, meditate 5 times a day, don’t drug, don’t use my intelligence to manipulate or cheat, I am humble, I am aware of my skills and abilities but dont know what I am supposed to do if I feel I am good at so many things. The punchline is I love to do all these things and have for all my life. Any ideas?
I am on a path that I am open to receive, I receive many messages that I am where I am supposed to be and I am supposed to trust I will be alright and when it’s time, I will know. Well, I am on the last month of money and I dont know what to do. I have always been strong outwardly but struggle to stay ther inwardly. Single mom for 22 years of 3. I love it but I need to keep moving and I dont know what to do with all this information and skill. I am not boasting, it is not always a gift. I only know what I taught myself. Which is all I do on my free time, is learn. Please help!
August 24, 2019Every once and a while old friends that I have not seen in years even exes, get a hold of me But its usually like 10-15+ of them and it is in less than 24 hours. Is there any thing to that?
September 8, 2019Hi,
One day after a horrible weekend when everything had gone wrong, I was going back home litterally dragging my feet with fatigue and sadness. It had been raining but the rain had stopped and the cement patio in front of my door had started to dry. I was just looking down while walking and I saw a patch of wetness on the otherwise dry cement. It was in the shape of a perfect heart! Everything was dry around it. I stopped at once so as to not walk on it. I was just stunned, didn’t know what to think but I felt completely that this was a message of love from someone very close to me who had died a few weeks before. Could it have been something different? Then what? It happened 4 years ago but I think about it very often.
Thank you.
October 8, 2019Dear Margarita,
I have been trying to find an explanation for my “sudden ability” to people who are sensitive to spirits, but it seems that no one has ever experienced it. I can read sign & hear ONLY when there will be something.
Until I read your article about your clairvoyant. Exactly, thats what I experienced. After that incident my life fell apart. all my friends turned away, many people tried to approach and ask for my attention and if I refused or did not feel comfortable they were angry & constantly bothering me . Evil spirit forced me to go to the jungle & street for 3days and more no one mercy on me. I go to churches / pastor scare to death but they turn down on me too.
It could be said that the family did not support me at all and it was very difficult to get a job. I felt that I was deliberately deterred from career and love. I experienced a lot of trauma and even laughed at, I really struggled alone and many times tried to kill myself and anything that happened to me was just a joke for many people. It is inconceivable to live in such a society.
I hope I can live in a developed society that understands privacy, empathy and humanity.
Kind Regards,
November 4, 2019Hi Margarita,
What a wonderful and refreshing website.
So it’s been a tough year resulting in two break ups ( both where i was dumped by text) This has felt like a huge rejection on many levels but being positive and trying to take lessons from it.
I regularly see signs especially feathers, robins and more recently numbers. I constantly see the letters RN too ! Im extremely open to signs but trying to decipher it all.
Advice please
Thanking you and thinking of you all
December 27, 2019I HAVE QUSTIONS FOR YOU
Well i am a different girl and i believe in signs. Whenever i have a situation i started to have different signs based on it. Sometimes i watch a movie and everything happens in the movie is just like what is happening in my life , by this usually i can predict the future and it exactly happens what i am predicting. And if something happened good, songs started playing around me or it started playing in my head. Usually love songs played as i think about my crush all the time and whenever i think of him a feeling came in my heart very badly. And also sometimes i feel what will going to happen so that i can avoid such accidents. For ex- when i was sitting in the park seeing the kids playing cricket i suddenly started a uneasy feeling which started to make me more attentive after that i suddenly got a thought that the cricket ball may hit me if i sat here. And then i go from there in trying to save myself from the ball, surprisingly the kid hit the ball at exact direction where i was sitting.
Well i also got a brain or a feeling companion. If i am doing something and i don’t know whether it is right or not , my brain or a feeling tells me by words.
July 28, 2020I asked the universe for a sign if I would be able to get pregnant naturally. I found in one week 5 pacifiers on the floor. Yesterday I found 2 in about 5 min. I brought them home. Is that a sign? What is the answer to the question? can i get pregnant naturally?
August 25, 2020Hello, I’ve been listen to a song called “I Wanna Be Your GirlFriend” By Girl In Red and she kept on singing the same name “Hannah” when I was getting a mail a name Hannah appeared it kept happen on my laptop, IPhone and magazines. Am I going to meet someone named “Hannah?”. There’s a lot of questions going through my head right now.
Mellissa Bender
April 29, 2021Hi, I keep hearing a phrase my husband says more and more on live television I was wondering if this could be a sign of impending death…the phrase is I will get all the sleep I need when I am dead… please respond I need to know if I need to prepare myself