5 Signs You Are Holding Onto The Toxins Of Others And What You Can Do About It

There are many ways that our physical health reflects the health of our energy selves. The two are intertwined, which is why treating the whole self – Body, Mind, and Spirit – is tantamount to true, deep healing. I see the energy and physical imbalances as they manifest in my patients each week – the back strain after the loss of […]

VIDEO: How To Protect Yourself From Psychic Vampires

When I talk about psychic vampires, I’m not talking the kind you get rid of with garlic, holy water, and crosses burned to the forehead! What I’m referring to are those people you encounter who intentionally, or unintentionally, prey on the energies of others, and draw on others’ “life energy” in order to feel stronger […]

August 18, 2015 | Healing, Healthy Living | No Comments

7 Ways To Create More Pleasure In Your Life And Have A Happier Sacral Chakra

Internal work. Cultivating the Inner Sanctum. Breaking old patterns and creating new ones. Bringing sacredness into your everyday. Working out. Kicking butt at your career. Being a wonderful provider for your family. All these things are so necessary! And, oftentimes, rewarding. However, one thing I’ve been noticing is that people are losing sight of the […]

How Reiki Can Help Reduce Stress & Anxiety on MindBodyGreen

MindBodyGreen published my article, today, called, “How Reiki Can Help Reduce Stress & Anxiety“, yahoo! I love sharing what I do, especially if it can help others create more quality in their lives. Acupuncture and Reiki are healing modalities that I resonate highly with, and have seen the positive results of, firsthand. I would love […]

My Instagram collage I made earlier this week.

Dairy-Free Basil Cilantro Pesto: A Recipe For Detoxifying, Strengthening, and Anti-Inflammation

Having a healthy Spleen, in Chinese Medicine, is the basis of a great digestive system. The Spleen’s job is to move and transport the food, distributing its essence to all parts of the body. I talk about this more in my previous post, “Techniques To Digesting Food, And Life, More Fully“. And, part of supporting the […]

Why We Carry Trauma In Our Bodies, And How To Heal It

Why does Acupuncture and Reiki work, in ways that Western Medicine does not? That’s a loaded question, and one that some would consider controversial. But, the explanation is simple – because Acupuncture and Reiki are healing modalities treat the whole body. It considers that not only is there a disorder in the physical body; but, […]

"Struggle" by Mark Ingle, used with permission under CC BY 2.0. Source.

How To Break Through Fear And More Greatly Align With Your Authentic Self

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”  ― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who […]

July 21, 2015 | Healing, Healthy Living, Zines | 5 Comments

On Cutting The Ties That Bind: Cord Cutting 101

When I talk about cord cutting, I’m not speaking about an inaugural ribbon-cutting ceremony at your newest local Walmart! I’m talking about the kind of cord cutting that severs psychic ties, the ties that bind, even when we no longer want to be bound, or if it’s starting to negatively affect our lives. The kind where a […]

July 15, 2015 | Healing, Healthy Living | 11 Comments

VIDEO: My Healing Journey And Why I Became A Healer

I’m so excited to bring you the first of a monthly limited video series that I’ve been creating just for you! It’s called, “My Healing Journey: Why I Became A Healer”. The first few videos on the Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts YouTube channel were on Acupuncture and Reiki. In case you’d missed them, please check […]

How Acupuncture Relieves Your Pain And Inflammation

“If there is free flow, there is no pain, If there is pain, there is no free flow.” – Traditional Chinese Medicine axiom As a Licensed Acupuncturist, I treat numerous cases of pain issues in my private practice, including, but not limited to: back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, and knee pain. Unfortunately, the list of physical pain we […]